Not much of a fight?!?!

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Chapter 12

Karissa pov

"Hi Johnny, " I smirked as he jump ten feet into the air.

"How you get in here," he asked shakily

"My husband got me here," I laughed raising his eyebrows.

"Husband? " He asked surprised.
"Yes husband, " I mockingly answered.

"But the only person here is Marcus Ensor....." he cut himself out and looked at me wide eyed.

"Karissa Ensor, " I smiled evilly. He looked as if he saw a ghost.
"He.... you......but" he shamelessly try to speak.

"You killed his son just you know.." I smirked we he dropped to his knees.
"Oh Johnny you could have been a legend, buy no you had to kill my son" Antonio drawl out.

"You're the man who killed my brother, " Gabe walked into the room, I walked close to him. He looked at him and went to touch him before I grabbed him and lift him in my arms.

"No mommy, no I want him to see the hate I have for him. Mommy please, " he thrashed around in my hold. Antonio nod his head. I reluctantly released him.

Gabe ran to his father who was on his knee but.....

Gabe grabbed the gun that Antonio had in his hands and click the safety off. And aimed it at Johnathan who eyes we're as wide as ours.

Before any of us could grab him a shot was fired. And screams came after. No I wasn't screaming, Johnathan was.

Oh my God.......  Gabe shot him in the nuts. Score! And it seems Antonio's reaction was the same. He grabbed the gun click safety back on and high five Gabe.

"Now mummy's very proud of you Gabe but you aren't aloud to hold a gun til your ten, " I said sternly and Antonio and Gabe went aww.... 

"Only if you dad's teaching you." I sighed. Now they we're cheering like cheerleaders.

I walked up to the now heavily bleeding Johnathan. Punched him, kicked him. Fuck we even hung him up, and no Gabe wasn't in the room.

Marcus was in the room not Antonio.
"Not much of a fight your giving " Antonio said. "Hahaha who am I kidding no one ever dare fight me back," he smiled .

"Except your wife," I said loud enough for them to hear.

"Monkey do you mind am working right now." He glared at me.
"Put the poor fucker out of his misery, Snap his fucking neck NOW," I shout and saw him gulp.

Antonio hands reach his neck.
"Oh thank God " Johnathan mumbled. And just like that his neck was broken.

One down two to go. Damn being bad is hard.

"Lets go home," I tell Antonio.  He nods his head......

Then guns shots were being heard. We looked at each other.
"Gabriel, " we shout together rushing down the stairs. Killing any person who looked at us wrong.

My uncles was on the floor bleeding. I rushed to him.
"Uncle?" I asked. He breathe in shakily.

"Alex took him ......... I failed you and your fatherrr," he said shakily.
"No uncle you're were the best you could have been." I paused, " I will fucking kill him ," I finished growling.

"This 'cough' life isn't for children 'cough' Karissa, when you get him back leave this life behind. " he coughed blood.

"For your father don't make the mistakes he made. " his Heavy breathing and then he stopped altogether.

"Alexander Darwin has MY SON AND THIS IS ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT. " I screamed at Antonio. I stood up and punched him in his face. I kicked and scream when he held me.


"All your fault, " I whisper and broke down completely. Tears kept on flowing.

At this moment I knew. What I had to do. I had to find my child and leave my husband.

I don't know how long I cried in his arms. But I fainted from exhaustion. And before I did I whispered.

"Find my fucking son or I will kill you," I threaten him.
Sneak peak in chapter 13....

"If you ever think that I will ever let you leave your wrong," Antonio said glaring at me. I Opened my mouth but he cut me off. "Especially with my child, " he growled out.

He grabbed me roughly and slammed me against the wall.
Oh hell no shit is about to go down..........

Holy shit not Gabe......
Why does this shit keep happening..... .
Why the Fuck did they carry Gabe in the first place.....

Poor Gabe.....

I know short chapter .......

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