I Tried and I Failed

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This chapter is vicious and I don't think it is appropriate for all audiences.........

Chapter 15

I officially hate America. This bitch gonna make me kick her teeth in.

"This is um way out of your price range. Are you sure you can afford it? " the real state agent asked.

"Well it's up to my beautiful wife, " Johnathan said.

"Well I want to kick your bloody face in," I growl at her. Her eyes went wide.

"How rude, " she gasps I narrowed my eyes at her.
"We will take the house you cow, " I smile at her while she looked offended.

"The only cow here is you, " she attempted at insult me but I laughed.

"Naw am just pregnant you wanker," I shook my head laughing.

"Karissa please,"Johnathan begged. I glared at him
"We'll take the house you cunt, " I glared at her and rolled her eyes.
this is how we will begin i rubbed my baby bump.

Soon she'll be here and she will be perfect. It took us a month to get the house ready and baby safe also toddler safe.

It happened when I was making lunch, I turned and the plate in my hands slid out of my hands onto the floor as sharp pain went threw me.

Then liquid slowly ran down my legs, fuck by water broke she's coming. I screamed for Johnathan, lucky thing he was home today he went running for the hospital bag.

"Fuckkkkkkkk," I screamed while pushing. I probably broke Johnathan hand because he's on his knees with water in his eyes as I squeezed his hand.

Two more pushes and she was born. Symaya (pronounced Sim Maya ) was born a very healthy girl.

I closed my eyes while i held her, and for the first time in a long time i felt free.

I had my boys and I had my girl I couldn't ask for anything more but I know he will find us no doubt about that.

But for now...... what's our next step.

So what now?

(Picture of Symaya )

(Picture of Symaya )

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16 years later

Karissa pov

"Gabriel what have you done," I growl at my eldest son as he stood next to the man who he is the splitting image of.

"Hello Karissa, didn't thing you could hide forever did you," his eyes stone cold as my breathing quickened.

"Mom?" My eyes landed on Symaya and Raphael at the door.

"Mom I didn't do anything I swear they found me mom," Gabriel explained, my eyes meet his I smiled sadly.

"I know baby, take care of your brother and sister. " I ordered weakly. A lone tear escaping my eye while I looked at the shock look on his face.

"Why would you say that mum," he growled trying to reach me but was held back.
"Because he is going to kill me, " I paused looking at my children before continuing," I love you all."

Before Antonio could make the first move I crack him a punch and kneed his balls. Hands grabbed me holding me down.

Antonio looked at me with so much fury and then he smiled.
"Why kill my wife you'll come with us after all they do still need their mother," he smirked punching me in the gut knocking the breath out of me.

He then proceed to punch me in the face repeated and grabbed a fist full of my hair.
"I love it when you bleed, " he smiled at me I spat blood in his face the smile quickly disappears.

He gut punches me again. I could hear my children screaming and their struggles against the men.

The men drop me on the floor I curl up in a ball because of the pain. Antonio roughly grabs my face and makes me look at the the head of Johnathan I scream and I hear Symaya crying and screaming at him for hurting me and killing Johnathan.

One of the guards walks in with Johnathan and I two year old daughter.
"Noooooooo," I roared as Antonio held me and made me watch as they cut my daughters head off.

It took about six guys each to hold down Gabriel and Raphael each.
"You will always be mine even after death Karissa, " he paused look at our children." Now children watch what happens when mommy misbehaves ," he signals his guards to hold me down.
As he takes his unbuckles his pants. He pulls his belt off and his men turn me over.

He rips my shirt and proceed to whip me. Holy shit I am half white but I think he just sent kn e back to Africa. I don't know how long he does this.

But this is cruel even for him to make them watch they don't deserve to see me suffer. They turns me over I scream as I roughly land on my back.

I look at him and he smiles evilly and rips my jeans. I kick and I scream. My children try to get to me. But all efforts were fertile.
"Please you b-beat me in front of them please don't r-rape me in front of them p-please, " I cry out.

"Either you or Maya, " I froze tears streaming down my face, he threaten to rape his own daughter. He was truly a monster. I laid still and let him have his wicked way with me.

He came he pulled out and walked out the room not before stopping.
"Let the children go to their mother, let them help her clean her self but watch them," he ordered without turning around.

As soon as they were released they were by my side. Maya had my head on her lap while Gabriel covered my body with a blanket.

"Am sorry I couldn't let him hurt you, am sorry but I didn't want you guys to grow up with him beating me. I c-couldn't allow that. " I said shakily viciously shaking my eyes left heavy.

Last thing I felt was the my body shaking. I welcomed the darkness with open arms.

So hey guys this chapter was rough I mean damn but I'll update y'all if I think this would be the last chapter.............

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