How about you find him and stfu

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This chapter goes dark and we gonna see true colors
And it's a bit of violence and a not so graphic sex scene......
Please do enjoy......

Chapter 13

Karissa pov......

I just sat there, unable to sleep. I turn to see my husband fast asleep. How can he sleep when gabey is out there getting hurt I thought bitterly.

When I get my son back gonna leave him,as painful it will be this will be best for our child....

I pulled myself out my thoughts and walk towards the bathroom. Once inside I washed my face. Taking the face towel to dry my face. When I pulled the towel back. I jumped.

Antonio was standing behind me creepily. He wrapped his hands around my waist.
"You shouldn't worry so much, if anybody kills gabe it will be me," my eyes widened when his arm turned me around and he had me in a choke hold.

I stared into his black eyes this isn't Antonio. I thrashed around. Kicking my legs.

"Karissa!" I heard my name and someone shook my world. My eyes flew open and my grey eyed husband stared at me with worry.

"Baby shhhhh, am here " he stroked my hair. That's what we did until the sun rose. Eventually he left the bedroom to continue the search for him. Gabriel .....

I on the other hand sat in bed like the depressed whore I am.
Where ever he is I hope he giving them a fight, like his mother would. Sighing I got up time to start the day.

Gabriel pov (surprise )

"You know Mr Darwin, Alex is gonna get you all killed. My mommy has a temper," I told him while eating my peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"I didn't think he'd be an idiot, I swear we never dropped him on his head, but as soon as he found out about you he risked it all to take you." He sighed. He pulled a box out for under my bed. The one they gave

"Its legos the one you saw on television. " he handed it to me.
"Awesome thanks Mr Darwin, " I beamed at him.

Lego my egos hehehe am start playing. Then the theme song for spongebob came on. Okay maybe after spongebob.

Karissa pov......

I sat in the meeting Antonio put together as people we hired tell us about unnecessary bullshit. Probably to scared to say they can't find him.

"Hunni did you even put make up on?" He paused before continuing " of course not you look like fucking shrek, " the others snickered at my husband's joke.

My face stayed emotionless and I glared at my laughing husband. He was full on laughing and so were the others.

"How about you find him AND SHUT THE FUCK UP," bloody asshole shut up. I would to, I got that crazy eye going on.

The rest of the meeting went by quietly. They we're shaking hands and what not I sighed and left the room not caring for any of it.

I entered the bedroom and tied my hair up in a messy bun. The door opened and close.
"Karissa you need to take care of yourself we'll kill Alex don't worry." He walked up and rubbed my shoulders kissing my neck.

"Why did you want to kill Alex before? " I asked.
"What?" He replied
"You never told me the reason as to why," I paused " Yeah he is an asshole but you don't kill without reason."
"Oh he done stupid things to people around him and the other under bosses want him dead, which reminds me to check in with the new under boss of your ex's underworld." He changed the topic quickly.

"You mean it isn't about Jenifer Johnathan's twin sister to whom you we're involved with?" He hands dropped from my shoulders.

"I know everything about you and her Johnathan told me thinking I was your sister." I laughed at the irony.

"She didn't mean anything babe, " he bounced back kissing my cheek.
"Oh really so you didn't tell Johnathan about my pregnancy for Alex knowing damn fucking well it was yours. YOU killed Raphael. " I turned and glared at him while his face was expressionless.

"So what I loved her and I never love you, You agreed on doing it without asking questions loyal like a dog you are," his face stone cold. I am leaving him as soon as I get my son back swear on my father's grave.

"You're one fucked up man," I glared.
"Yeah the one you fell in love with ent, " he laughed "Your old man was going to warn you about me why you think he is dead huh. Johnathan told you Alex killed him but no my love I did, " he smirked and my heart dropped to my stomach and I glared at him.

"I will fucking leave you, " I spat in his face.

"If you ever think that I will ever let you leave your wrong," Antonio said glaring at me. I Opened my mouth but he cut me off. "Especially with my child, " he growled out.

He grabbed me roughly and slammed me against the wall.
Oh hell no shit is about to go down......

I swung a punch but he grab my hand and head butted me. He threw me back against the wall and choked me, lifting me into the air.

I struggled against him I felt my eyes lids getting heavy he threw me across the room and I landed on the bed. Coughing and gulping large mass of air. Antonio jumped on top of me straddling me.

"Oh She left me and ran to her brother Johnathan then I here she is engaged to marry Alex I wanted him dead but I knew I was the reason she left. I hit her. So I raped her she got pregnant and Alex found out the baby wasn't his.

What did he do he ripped the baby out of her and send it her brother and then killed her and also send it to her brother," he finished smiling. I never been so scared in my life the crazy look on his eyes I never saw it before.

He pulled my hair dragging me off the bed. Kicking and screaming. He lifts me and rips the dress I have on off me. Then he rips my bra and underwear off.

He turns me around choking me from behind. But not to much pressure to kill me.

"You always thought you were as Just as bad, but baby your just as stupid. I'll show you the real me, " He entered my roughly jamming one side if my face to the wall. Every thrust gets harder and harder.

He put me on my hands and knees roughly taking me doggy style. He came and pulled out. Slapping my ass and standing up.
I was shaking afraid of what he'd do next.

He roughly grabbed my face making me look it those stormy grey eyes I loved so much. He kissed my roughly biting my lip.
He stood and landing a swift kick to my abdomen knocking the wind out of me. Making me fall flat on the floor curling my body to protect my stomach.

And not my face with another swift kick to my head knocking me out cold within the seconds of receiving it.

Oh FUCK MY LIFE.......

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