Dungeons and Necklaces

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*Paige's P.O.V.* 

Pacing back and forth silently in Niall and I's room, I was a nervous wreck waiting for Louis to come back with Niall. What was Louis going to make me do when he came back? I was scared as it was, but right now, I was just hoping Niall would come back in one piece. What got me out of my thoughts was the sound of a door opening and I turned to see Louis standing there with an annoyed look on his face and no Niall. I stumbled back slightly in surprise.   

"Come on… you better not make a fucking hissy fit because I am definitely not in the mood for you right now."  He immediately grabbed my wrist before I could even say something or protest about what was happening. What got Louis so ticked off in the first place?  

"WHERE IS NIALL?!" I suddenly screamed as we were in the hallway by the stairs. My eyes widened as I realized what I had just done and Louis looked slightly shocked as well but just rubbed it off. We then stopped in our tracks and I gulped nervously and had tears threatening to to spill from my eyes. His eyes burned red as he raised his hand and I closed my eyes tightly, waiting for the burning sensation to come but it never came. I slowly opened one eye to look at Louis and he growled angrily and rolled his eyes.   

"You know… fuck this shit. I'm not even mood to deal with you, let Harry do it himself."   

I finally opened both eyes and they both widened at the thought of what Harry could possibly do to me. From what I experienced already, who know what he could do now that could even possibly be worse. He dragged me down the stairs and towards the throne room and Niall wasn't even here. In the throne room as well, I also noticed something that caught my eye. A corpse of a girl was lying in the middle of the room. She was wearing a blue dress with high heels which was strange but I didn't bother to question it. This must have been the body Niall had killed but why would he go after her? I shook the thought out of my mind as I looked up at Harry with one of my eyebrows raised in confusion.   

"You… are going to take this body and put it in the dumpster in the back of the castle. Don't even think of coming back until you've completed that. Then come back because I have some other things to discuss with you. Do I make myself clear?" He asked and I nodded but then realizing what I had just done, I was trying to stutter out what I was supposed to say but I was speechless. Harry strode over towards me and then suddenly slapped my cheek. I held it in pain with both hands and looked up at him with tears in my eyes.   

"I said… ARE. WE. CLEAR?!" He shouted, making even some of the guards jump themselves but Louis and Zayn didn't seem to be fazed, clearly used to Harry acting this way.   

"Y-Y-Yes your majesty-y." I stuttered and he nodded before shooing me off. Zayn then grabbed my shoulder and started to push me out of the castle as I struggled to carry the this girls corpse. I shuttered at the thought of what I was actually going to be doing in a moments time.   

The question that popped into my head was what if Niall was the one that killed this body? I wouldn't and couldn't believe it if it was true. I know he hasn't eaten but I don't think he would kill an innocent girl just like that. There was this pearl necklace that she was wearing that made me curious. I doubt it had any special value but I was just curious. I sighed nervously as we finally reached the back of the castle and towards the dumpster. Zayn had his arms crossed as he watched me carefully while I carefully placed the body into the dumpster. Maybe… the girl would want someone to protect the necklace she was wearing because maybe it meant something to her and since my curiosity is getting the best of me, I made sure Zayn wasn't looking directly at me as I gently took the necklace off of her and held it tightly in my hands. I watched as it glowed slightly which made me raise an eyebrow. I shook it off and started to put it in my pocket until I was startled by Zayn's voice not too far away.   

"What the hell is taking you so long?!" He shouted, clearly aggravated. I shoved the necklace quickly into my pocket. I signed nervously as I finally came back into Zayn's view and he had his arms crossed over his chest.   

"Sorry… I was just-"   

"Ugh, you're just impossible. Come on, Harry's waiting for us." He said, cutting me off and started dragging me back into the castle by my wrist. I gulped as we came through the doors and faced Harry.    "Did you dispose of the human?" He asked as he leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed. I nodded but then caught myself once again. I seriously got to stop doing that so I don't get myself in anymore trouble than I already am.   

"Yes your majesty…" I mumbled, my voice cracking at the end slightly. He smirked, finally coming over towards me and patted my head like I was some fricken little dog. but there was something off about this room… I took a quick look around and realized Louis wasn't even around. The hell? 

"Your majesty?" I asked, my hands literally shaking from my nerves.   

"Yes? What is it peasant" He asked and I clenched my fists at his choice of words.  

"Where's um… where's Louis?" I asked curiously which made Harry raise an eyebrow.   

"Why do you even care? Besides, it's not even you're business anyway." Harry replied. Liam raised an eyebrow, probably curious as to why I was even asking. I shrugged my shoulders and sighed nervously.   

"Well I-I-I don't know. It's j-just weird not having him around here…" I stuttered, making Harry chuckle. Harry then suddenly snapped his fingers making Zayn come in front of him.   

"Zayn, bring Paige down to the dungeons to see her boyfriend." He spat out the last word like it was poison and my eyes widened. So that's where Niall has been this whole time?! That must also mean that Louis was watching him. My eyes widened as Zayn grabbed me by my arms and that's when I started kicking and screaming. Harry looked unfazed, his blank expression on his face the whole time as he was watching me.   

"WHY IS HE DOWN THERE?! LET ME THE FUCK GO! NIALL!!!" I screamed as tears were rapidly falling down my face. Why the hell would Harry do this? Well, of course I wanted to see Niall but I did not want to see him behind bars. It's just cruel, unsanitary and not fair. Don't worry Niall! I'm coming! I shouted in my head, hoping he would get the mind message. Well, this is situation is going to go through hell and back and it's not going to be pretty. 


So, kind of a lot of action in this chapter huh? Sorry for the long wait! But I've been busy lately and on Friday I went to my first 1D concert! It was so AMAZAYN! Oh my god, I got a wave from Harry, Liam, Niall and Zayn and Harry blew me a kiss during Kiss You and I SAW PERRIE! She waved at me and I cried as she was leaving the stadium during LWWY. I was bawling the whole time and it was the best night of my life! Me and my friends sat in fourth row technically since there was a small handicap section and then we were like four rows behind it. We were all crying and I have to say 5 Seconds of Summer was pretty amazing and I'm definitely getting more into them. :) And Hope you guys like this chapter as much as I do? Oh what was that whole necklace thing about? And there's gonna be a new P.O.V. next chapter :)


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