Las Vegas (12)

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1 week later

"We're really bad at this report thing. If she wasn't lazy with marking I'm sure we'd get an F." The computer screen was filled with words we made up.

Las Vegas is one of the more visited cities in the world due to its amazing attractions that draw in tourists each year...

Our bags were packed, leaning up against the surface of our bed, the hotel still a sticky hot that made my air frizz.

"Where do you think we are going next?" Harry asked, leaning in the space between my head and shoulder and having his chin rest on the hot corner of my neck. I smell his shampoo, and almost taste his lips that teased the corner of my jaw.

"I'm not sure. Hopefully somewhere a tad cooler." I hadn't put much thought into where we might be going next. We have one more destination until the summer was over.

His hands slide down my arms making me shiver just as I press save to the document on our computer. "You're lucky I wrote the report, we almost forgot about it-"

"Mmhmm.. me too." But he wasn't listening. Instead he was staring at my skin, his fingers playing with the ends of the towel I was wrapped in. "You've been in this towel all morning.. torturing me." His voice was a hum, his tongue tickling the skin on my neck.

"Our plane is in two hours, I had to write this damn report, changing into shorts weren't really on my mind."

"It's not on my mind either." He groaned. The chair I sat in swung around to face him. His cheeks were flushed as he looked down at me, I can see his Adam's apple bombing while he swallowed his lust. He basically salivating at the mouth.

"Harry.. stop looking at me like that." His eyes were so much darker then before, his jawline tense, his chest pulsing. This wasn't how this summer was suppose to be. Me sitting in a hotel chair in only a towel, begging myself not to give in again to a beautiful man moaning for me. I was suppose explore, and learn something new, make a best friend get over my-

It seemed as is Harry was going to explode, within seconds he grasped me to stand up, griping my thighs making my legs wrap around his face and pushing us against the wall. All thoughts I had are thrown out the window, all doubts I even visioned are burnt to ashes. I just imagine his rough hand gripping my waist, making me squirm as his teeth nip into my lower swollen lip, and his long digit finger of the other swirls into my juices, his silver ring hitting my clit each time.

"Harry-" I whine, my inappropriate fantasies making me give in.

"I love it when you say my name like that. Like you need me. You need me don't you?" He tugged on my bottom lip, pushed his growing cock against my exposed center. The towel was rolled to my hips due to my legs being wrapped around him, it was barely on my body, anymore.

"Yes!" I would of said anything to feel him against me again. My brain was screaming at me to stop this, telling me that I'm a fool for letting him do this to me. I let him seep into my blood stream and control me from the inside out. I was never strong enough to fight off the disease that was Harry. My body was empty of white blood cells now, only overflowing with him, him, him.

My hips bucked with excitement when he used his chests to hold me to the wall. Our lips were playing a teasing game, never fully collapsing onto one another just brushing.

"Kiss me." He groaned, but every time our lips caressed together I pulled back. "Violetta.." It was no longer a plea but a demand.

"No." I breathed. I wanted to see how long I could last without him, see if I'd go crazy with him this close. I smirked at him, biting onto his bottom lip and running my hand under his shirt.

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