Florida (6)

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3 weeks later

Slowly, but surely, she was killing me. I could feel it inside of me; the want for her. It was eating away at me. For weeks she didn't mention the kiss. She'd talk to me when had to, made sure to put a pillow between us when sleeping. It was painful and daunting watching her half ignore me.

"What do you want to eat?" I ask her. The jeep hit a bumped on the cement road as we drove down the street. Her hair was in a ponytail, and I've come to accept how much I loved when it was like that. If she was mine I'd reach out and tug onto it l, bringing her lips that always seem to be caught under her teeth to my lips just as the streetlight turned green. But she's not mine. And even though I shouldn't, I'm trying to change that.

"Doesn't matter." She shrugged me off the same way she has since her wet lips were on mine.

You'd think for someone who's kissed many lips that one would mean nothing, but I can't seem to shake it. The feeling, the warmth, it's etched deep into my brain and it doesn't seem like it will ever move.

In the shower I picture her up against the cold tiled walls as I bury myself deep inside her, in the mornings when I'm up before her, I'm tempted to slip under the covers and wake her with my tongue against her already wet core. When she's eating I imagine her foot sliding up my leg as I let her try a taste of my food on my finger; her tongue would lap around my digits as a taste for later-

"Harry!" Her voice screams, and my hands quickly take back control of the wheel, as the car spins out and lands in a bank of grass. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She screams, getting out of the car.

My head was pounding, my chest was shuttering as it rose and fell. I was so caught up in her, and the blood that was rushing to my strained boxers, that I didn't even remember I was driving.

"You can't do that! You can't just blank out while driving!" She was screaming across the jeeps hood, but I welcomed her voice. I'd rather her loud words then silence.

"I'm sorry, I- I just got distracted." I whispered still shaking the images out of my head and trying to calm myself down.

"You can't do that! You could of gotten us killed!" Her body was facing away from the sun, she looked beautiful, and almost angelic.

"It's your fault." I almost laugh, pointing at her. I could see her face getting angry, and sad, and frustrated all at the same time. It was amusing and enticing.

"My fault! How the hell is it my faul-"

"Just look at you!" I shout, not out of anger but more frustration, how can she not understand? "You sit there with your hair, and your plump lips, and beautiful figure, and you think I can just ignore you? You kiss me... like, really fucking kiss me, and then ask me to act like nothing happened? Well I can't Violetta. How the hell am I suppose to erase the way your lips felt, or just forget how you sounded when you moan my name-"

"Just stop." She begged.

"No! I'm not going to stop. Here we are in Florida, alone and you won't take any risks. This summer is suppose to be about finding yourself and-"

"It's suppose to be about learning, we still have to finish that report we have to hand in."

"Oh cut the bullshit, this trip means more to you then that, I know it does." Some how my body moved to stand right in front of her. I could see her eyes watering and that made me feel like a complete ass.

"You don't know anything about me." She was trying not to cry, I could tell by the way she sniffled and turned away from me.

"Because you won't let me."

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