Las Vegas (11)

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2 weeks later

"You're such an idiot." My fingers grasped onto his shirt, pulling him towards me and slamming our lips together for what seems to be like the thousandth time today. I don't know what has gotten over me. For the past two week it's like I've been obsessed. I need him next to me, I need his skin in someway touching mine. When his attention is directed towards something else I feel lonely, when he isn't holding onto me the thoughts creep in. He's a fucking drug, and I hate the void, but love the feeling.

His teeth pull at my bottom lip, making me shiver and ring his shirt between my tight digits. 14 days ago I would of never had done this in the middle of a parking lot, I would never let his hands peal back my shirt and slip into my clammy back. "You're fucking killing me." He groans against my lips, his body pushes me against the car door, his bulge rubbing hard against the front of my thin shorts. "Just you letting me touch you like this, in public, makes me insane." His words clung heavy to chest, seeping into my blood stream and causing me to feel on fire.

"Okay.. okay.." I tried pushing him away as soon as his fingers tickled my waist band, but his lips dipped into my neck, making me shake. "Harry, we... go." Not an inch of my voice sounded demanding.

"We don't have to see the grand canyon. Let's just go back to our room." I could practically feel his cum against my thigh at his desperate voice. He was writhing, and quivering as if he couldn't sit still. I loved that I did that to him with only a touch of my lips. No matter how much I wanted this to, I could see the tour bus coming towards us, thankfully getting stopped at a stop light.

"Harry the bus is coming." My fingers unravel from the tight hold I hand in his hair, and he whines at the absence.

"Fine- fuck- fine." He groans, pushing off of me the minute the bus pulls up in front of us.

I watch as he steps onto the platform, giving the driver our ticket and finding a place to sit down. The chairs are smaller, and colored a disgusting shade of red. My thighs continuously hit his, and when I put my hand on his thigh his eyes close shut and he breathes in a deep breath.

"Don't be mad." I whisper in his ear, making sure to leave a kiss.

"I'm not.. I'm just a bit tense. Not fair of you to give me a hard in a parking lot." I cannot believe we're having this conversation, with an old woman sitting just a few seats down. Almost everything has changed in a matter of weeks with our dynamic. We are both so needy for one another. It was like Harry's words finally pulled me in, making us only want to drown in each other.

"Don't worry, I'll give you something later." Sadly I don't think my words helped him at all, frankly I am surprised I even said them. Instead of smiling which is what I thought he'd do, his chest rose and fell faster, his hands only clamped against his growing bulge harder. Like I said, we were going insane with each other. Lust driving every cell in our bodies.

The ride was long, hot and quiet. It gave me time to think about all that has happened in the spam of a month and a bit. When I left home I was annoyed at everyone, needing space, but now I want anything but space. It seems that all the tragic feelings I've been trying so hard to run from are finally catching up to me. Every moment I am given space, is another mile they become closer. I can feel them bubbling up, I can feel them seeping into my brain and clouding anything else. That's why I need Harry. In a sick and indescribable way I can't be far from him anymore. He helps me forget, or at least ignore for a little while, and maybe that little while with turn into forever.

I don't love him, I don't think I'm capable of that anymore. I just need him. He's your favorite toy, the most delicious food, the prettiest of diamonds; he's something I want, something I've convinced myself I need. And I'm not sure what to make of that. Is it good that I know I can't stay away? Is it it good that every time he even blinks at me I feel a little more sanely insane? I don't know.

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