Las Vegas (9)

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I let him touch me. I wanted him to touch me. I need him to touch me again.

My head was spinning with all the thoughts of him as water threatened to push through my mouth and engulf my lungs. My arms and legs kicked roughly through the lukewarm water, and my chest burned with the want of air. I swam and swam, back and fourth not wanting to ever touch the solid ground of the pool tiles.

It was 6 in the morning, the pool was supposed to be closed, but I slipped out of our bed. I had to get away from him. He was consuming me, devouring every other thought I had and replaced it with him. His smile, laugh, the way his dimple deepened when he chuckled, the curl of hair that hugs against his jaw. Him, him, him. It was painful and exhausting so I just swam.

At some point my arms felt of jelly, and my legs of cooked noodles. I could feel the weight of it all against my back and I began to sink. My body turned in the salt water, I could taste it on my lips, I could feel it slithering down my throat.

Blinking I looked up towards the surface, the burning in my eyes pushed to the back of my mind as light danced along the top of the water. It was pretty and sad, and when my back hit the deep bottom of the pool I decided to stay here for as long as I could. Soon my chest wasn't just burning, but was a fierce inferno. My heart was panicking, my blood pulsing, but I willed myself to stay longer. Just a bit longer.

My eyes began to look like the night sky. Stars were filling the edges and soon the inferno was no longer there, and soon the light could no longer be seen at the top of the pool and just as I let my eyes blink closed an arm scooped out from under me and ripped me to the top of the surface.

"What the fuck!" I heard a deep voice screaming. I couldn't open my eyes, they burned from the salt, and my chest and throat squeezed and tightened as I coughed out water that took over. The tile was cold against my skin- the bathing suit covering only small portions of me.

I was coughing and coughing, my hair wrapping around my eyes, my hand trembling my blood pumping slower. As I looked up I saw him. His hair was jet black from the water, his eyes were red, his chest pushing up and down, up and down.

"What the fuck was that!?" The voice crack in his shout screeched across the large room. It hurt my pounding ears.

"I was just swimming." I wanted to stand up, to shout back at him, but my body felt weak and sluggish.

"No- no you weren't. You can't do that. What were you thinking?" Water was dripping down his cheeks, possibly from his wet hair. He was still fully clothed, his white shirt now showing his toned chest, his dark shorts now almost black, his shoes squeaking and over flowing with water every time he paced around me.

"I just wanted to swim." I couldn't think of anything to say because the weight on my chest was back and he was annoying me now. I liked it down there.

"Were you trying to-"

"No." I shot at him, already knowing what he was going to say.

"So what were you doing?"

"Swimming!" My throat finally aloud me to scream, and in the next second I was on my feet, facing him.

"That's not swimming Violetta. I don't know if it's this place, or me, or what we are, or your family but you need to tell me wants wrong."

I could feel the anger ripping me to shreds, or was it pain? "You don't know who the fuck I am!-" I pushed hard against his chest but he didn't budge. "You don't know what I've been through, what I have to live with. It hurt so bad and you make it worse!" I pushed him again but this time his large hands grasped onto mine. I tried to rip them away, not wanting his touch... needing his touch.

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