Florida (5)

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Warmth and sun hit the side of my cheek with a painful glow, causing my headache to revive and thump like my quickening heart.

An arm lazily wraps around my waist, little gusts of air tickle my exposed neck as he blows out carbon in the air.  Even in the morning he smells of winter mints and honey as I feel his nose nuzzle just behind my ear.

"You weren't this stiff while sleeping. I'm just holding you...relax." A thick voice, that sounds of full bass engulfs the air as his morning voice speaks. The vibrations from his throat tickles my shoulder as I feel my body tense even more at the realization of how close his face is to mine.

"My head just hurts." I whisper not quite sure what to say. His arm tightens another notch around my waist, and I try to pull away.

"No- wait, don't leave yet." His eyes were still closed, but his jaw must of tightened at the thought of me leaving.

He must of not noticed the quickening of my chest, or the shivers against my skin as I spoke. "I need a glass of water." 

"Then I'll get it, just stay in bed." His body left mine, creating a front of cold hitting against my skin. I watched in awe as his almost naked body walked across the bed and into the kitchen, only material of boxers covering himself.

I heard the tap run as I closed my eyes once more, and rolled against the small pillow. The bed felt like a cloud and I'm glad Harry let me stay in bed.

He returned once more, with a large thick glass of water, and a pill in his hands, "Advil and water."  He handed them to me as I took them, the hold glass chilling all the way up my arm.

"Thanks." I took my attention from him, rolling the small tablet in my hands before popping it into my mouth and throwing my head back as I took a large gulp of water. As the water and pill slide down my throat my eyes diverted back to Harry, noticing that his haven't left mine. A smirk lightly covers his face as his eyes trace up slumped body.


He shakes his head quickly, as if trying to erase a thought from his mind, "Yeah?"

"Pass me my sweater it's cold."

I heard him mumble under his breathe as I run my hands down my arms. "What was that?" I ask as he hands me my black sweater.

"I said that's not what you were saying last time?"

My palms began to sweat as I imagined all that I could have done. Did I have sex with him? Did we do anything? My eyes were bulging from my head in fear and terror. "Oh- uh no, nothing like that."

"So we didn't have sex?"

Green orbs popped from his eyes, "Oh god no." His face looked of disgust and for some reason that made my heart sink, and my lips tuck under. Was I not pretty enough for him? It was an absurd idea to even think of  but it scared me.

"No no no-" He back tracked. His hands waved in the air begging for my attention. "Not like that- your gorgeous and I would love to- oh god- I mean if you ever gave me the chance- jesus- I do... I want to do so many things to you- but..."

I was giggling, watching him tug harshly at his hair and bite down on his plump bottom lip, "Harry it's okay." I stopped him.

His chest rose high and sunk slowly down, and I could hear the long exasperated breathe he was taking to calm himself down, "I'll I am trying to say is that you're a beautiful girl, and any guy would be lucky to ever be able to touch you." Pins, needles, and warmth all crept through my body, filling my veins with relief and comfort.

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