Las Vegas (10)

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The hotel room was slammed shut as I turned on the TV. Pictures and images flashed, words were spoken, a fake applaud sounded but I wasn't watching any of it. All my thoughts were surrounding him, and me, and yesterday morning. He saved me. I don't know what I was planning , I don't know why the heavy desire to float away beneath the pool came across me but it did, and because of him I was still breathing. I hit my head against the hotel pillow, screaming into the cotton and pulling back the covers to crawl under. Maybe I could stay here forever-- protected by all that lies above the fleece, white material.

I haven't uttered a word to him since, even though my body felt a tug towards him every time he'd look at me with sadness. Yesterday was spent waking up and him begging me to say something, but I can't.... I couldn't.

"I was planning on going for a drive. I don't know, maybe visit a few landmarks."

"Okay." I whispered so faintly I wasn't sure if he'd hear me.

"Would you like to come?" His eyes shifted to the ground before coughing out the words. He almost seemed nervous, maybe even desperate.

I didn't trust my voice to answer so instead I nodded feverishly, before pulling back the covers and slipping out of bed.

My hand reached for my cellphone revealing 20 missed calls from my dad today. I haven't called him at all this entire trip, and I am sure he's losing his mind. Without a second thought I dial his number, it only rang three times before his exasperated voice yelled through the speaker.

"Where the hell have you been! You'd think your generation would know how to return calls with all this technology shit you all got."


"How has it been? Have you learnt a lot? Are you eating well? Sleeping alright?"

"Good. Sorta. Of Course. Like a baby."

"You know, your mom isn't worried at all. It almost concerns me." I could basically feel his annoyance through the god damn phone.

"That's because her university old daughter is on vacation that has been designed by her work with a buddy. What could go wrong?"

"How is Harry anyways?" My father asks.

"How did you know I'm paired with him?" My blood runs cold and I quickly look over at him, forgetting he was in the room at all. He's still standing there eyes wide and darting, hand pulling at his long locks.

"Um- uh. Your mom spoke to the person running it- you know that young lady you report too. She told us who." He is my father, I should trust him, but the way he quickly dismissed me, gave me nervous chills.

"Alright um-"

"Anyways sweetie, it was nice talking to you but I've got to go." Without another word the lines goes dead.

I can't ignore the sore feeling in my chest at his abrupt goodbye, and I can't shake the burning feeling Harry seems to be showing as he fidgets with his ringed laced hands.

"Uh- how are your -uh- parents." He's stuttering.. he doesn't usually stutter.

"Doesn't matter. Why do you care?"

"I don't." But the shutter of his shoulders betray him.



It was the most uncomfortable conversation I had with him, but it still didn't stop me from quickly getting changed and heading out the door trailing behind him.

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