Babys are so cute not when they are kicking you

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Lola's P.O.V

It's been three weeks since I told them I am pregnant and let me tell you this baby keeps kicking me like there's no tomorrow.'' Katie it's kicking again talk to it please '' I said we don't know the gender yet but Katie an Stefan are working on it ''ok hey baby how are you feel today you know your hurting mommy right now and she always has to go pee let keep that on the down low can we thanks babe '' said Katie then she touch my stomach after that she fainted ''guys help !! help !! ''I said  they came rushing in '' what is it is the baby fine '' asked Liam '' yes it Katie she touch my stomach and then she fainted I don't know what happen this happen to me when I felt the baby move for the first time in Italy Katie knew what to do I don't '' I said no way she can't be pregnant not now she needs to help me '' wake up Katie now please she has a heartbeat'' said Chance '' ah ah why are you staring at me '' said Katie ''can you leave us alone for a min. '' I asked they left so I can talk to Katie ''what happen to you are you '' I asked ''yes I am don't tell them yet just when I start to show in three weeks then I'll tell '' said Katie so happy yay babies at the same time. ''Just don't scare me like that what are we going to tell the guys then '' I asked '' that I just pretend to faint to scare them '' said Katie '' ok '' I said so when the boys asked that's what we said.Me and Katie have been sleeping together for the past nights so she can talk to the baby when it starts hurting me '' Lola we got great new Katie and Stefan found out what the gender is '' said Luke all happy ''what is it '' I asked '' it's a .........moment of silence please and drum roll please or not it's a girl '' said Katie jumping an scream yay '' yay we are having a girl ''I said to Liam .

three weeks later

me and Katie look like we are going to kill some we are hurting so much the boys found out when Katie throw up in the towel they thought she was trying to get more skinny what no '' we are both having girls what are their names going to be '' asked Katie ''how about for you Sasha and me Alexis '' I said ''yea I like that hi Sasha and hi Alexis tia loves you and mom loves you too Sasha '' said Katie to our stomach ok one thing I hate about being pregnant is that one I'm 17 and Katie 18 two the boys are getting to worried when me or Katie starts to feel a kick and we go ouch they go "is the baby ok" "are you ok" and "we go yes it was just a kick" they are so ready to the parenthood the way they are going (not) ''Luke go to the corner or I'll sit on you I can do that now '' said Katie ''so cold and dark plus heavy '' said Luke '' I thought so '' said Katie I bet your wondering if we miss our house in Italy yes because we were free and no one bother us only the pizza man we will go back with the girls and have fun with the boys and see if they are looking hard to see their daughter and niece that how me and Katie roll boo boo's


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