Fighting for love and pay back

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Lola's Pov

Katie been having everyone work so hard I learned how to fight better then pull your hair.''OK everyone today is the last day of training tomorrow we go to the mans house and we make him pay got it ''said Katie you know what i haven't been seeing in all a long time is Stefan it's like he doesn't what to come out, kate always leave when everyone is training and so does Liam .''katie wheres Stefan'' I asked ''he's in his room makng weapons hes been doing thats since he found out he's not leaving his room until tonight to give us the weapons ''said Katie ''can i go to his room and see if hes OK ''I asked ''yeah why not ''said Katie. I went Stefan's room OK I got lost on the way but I found it so don't  judge me and I won't judge you. ''Stefan can I come in ''I asked ''yeah you can help me out with something ''said Stefan ''what do you need help with wow this is a lot of weapons you been working on it for 3 weeks now ''I asked ''no i can see the future and see what people need from me so when katie came back i knew what I need to do for her and you ''said Stefan ''Me? what do you mean to help me too ? I asked.''They told me not to tell you but I have to, you and katie are being watch by the boys because the guy we are after is after Katie and you because he wants to finish Kate off and then go to you cause your younger and stronger ''said Stefan .''no that can't happen to me please I don't want it to ''I said little scared.''it won't happen i saw that it won't so did katie you are safe ''said Stefan hugging me ''and if thing didn't go the way it should me and my brothers will kill him for you and safe you and Kate too I promise there is nothing going to happen to you I saw that you were shoting people from left and right you will be ok ''said Stefan laughnig at my face cause it was like 'what  you talking about'.

Stefan's Pov

''katie are you ready to do this ''I asked we are now in front of the mans house ready to kill and shoot him.''Yes even the house still scares me lets go how we practice GO'' said Katie we broke down the door vampire and human came from left and right were fighting and shooting kate and lola were burning the bodies,liam and chance are watching there backs for them .''KATIE WE FOUND HIM HE IN HERE HURTING LOLA RIGHT NOW ''said Tio what she not with kate oh no kates eyes are red and liams mad too show time.

Katie's Pov

''let her go it's me that you want so lets go and fight right here right now ''I said lola right now was in a choke hold im trying to get her time to get out and she did wait a minute her eyes there like mines right now ''I knew you'll come back we were met to be ''said him 'NOW' i mouthed to lola and she hit him on the back of the head with her gun .''Did he hurt you he is so going to die very painfully ''said Liam very mad ''katie look he has more kids and they said they been here for 3 weeks now he hasn't touch them they said ''said Stefan ''hey kids do you want to go with my uncle here he has candy and theres a car with a phone to call your parent please '' I said they nodded and left with my tio.oh now hes going beg for death the way im going to kill him slowly and painful too.''you got the tools ''I said ''here you go Lola pick a tool and hit him anywhere you like ''I said in a very scary voice she choose a hammer and let just say he won't be able to to pee again like he needs too where hes going ''hes dead katie stop hitting him hes not coming back alive hes gone'' said Chance pulling me back ''burn him Lola I can't do it cause I might go pyscho killer on him again ''I said ''this is for me and katie's aunt ,and her boo boo die ''said Lola after that I black out .

Lola's Pov

''she waking up guy '' I said its been 3 hour seen she past out her family left an hour ago they took the kids  back to there parents. Me and Chance ,Stefan have been waiting for katie to wake up and she did ''Hey I'm thirsty for blood ''said katie ''are you ok we been worry sick for you it happen so fast you past out and we didnt know what to do ''said Stefan ''it's ok im fine now ''said Katie ''you should of  see chance he was shaking you to wake up it was funny ''said luke an Ryder ''we have it on video it's funny ''said Ryder those guy were drop on there head when they were kids i know it hehe....

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