Training is getting hard and so are boys

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Katie's Pov

I kiss chance and no one will leave me alone about its like the only time i let someone kiss me without hitting them afterwards.''you kiss chance on the lips you kiss chance on the lips''said Lola ''will you shut up yeah me and Chance kiss there i said it, will you shut up now ''I said im in my room talking to lola cause now she wont shut it now .''im going to chance's room and talk to him and dont follow me ''i said ''oh your going back for more katie bad girl '' said lola ''no liam watch her ''I said to liam cause he was listen to us ''ok ''said Liam. I'm walking to chance's room hopping he will understand that the kiss was a mistake that should never happen again**********knock************knock************knock *********** ''come in ''said chance ''hey um we need to talk ''i said ''about what ''said chance ''the kiss it never happen i shouldn't let you kiss me and i shouldn't kiss you back ''i said ''no it should of happen cause you never let anyone in so i kiss you, yeah an on  propose so you can see that i wont hurt you or mess with your heart''said chance yelling now ''i let people in, i dont want a boyfriend just tell me you will just forget about the kiss and ever liking me cause i cant be loved i hurt thing when i get mad I can kill people when i get to angry no one can like me or love me ''i said yelling ''will i can i like you i can handle all your anger and your craziness thats why i like you an that kiss i wont forget ever cause i liked the kiss and so did you ''said chance yelling '' no i didnt ''i said yelling ''oh yeah if i kiss you right now you wont kiss me back ''said chance smirking now ''yes ''i said a little scared chance started to walk towards me and im just keep my stance with him. He came to me and cups my cheeks and kisses me and i dont know how but my lips have a mind of it own and i kiss him back too. He puts his head on my forehead so we can be eye level ''you kiss back ''said chance ''yeah i kiss back i dont know why but i kiss you back ''i said ''you know what lets not tell anyone we kiss again ok ''i said ''ok only if i get to kiss you when no one around ''said chance kissing me already ''yeah why not ''i said

Next Day

''lets get traning people today is when we fight other people that i make up you have to pin them down and have them dead by twisting there head got it you have 8 mins got it and go ''i said everyone was fighting good but not lola her person is trying to kill her. I get him and take his head of in 2 seconds flat ''you need to put some anger in your fighting like when you were kidnapped put that anger any thing else in to your fighting and you will be better at it ''i said to lola ''ok i have so much anger from people messing with me an making fun of me '' said lola


katie my dear love you will be mine theres no need to fight me im going to have you no matter what. I know you want me to thats why you ran cause you know i like chase keep runnig dear keep running. I will have what i want and i will finish what i started and ill have your friend too when i get bored of you my dear katie dont worry about me im fine ill have you very soon.

Lola's pov

''lola right im tio kate's fake uncle but you can call me tio too''said tio ''yeah whats up''i asked ''we are about to eat but we need to witches, kate and you need to have the food come to the table its part of the training cause if you can't fight you can use your power'' said tio ''ok ''i said i went to kate and she told me what to do and I did but some food went on kate and it was a liitle funny if your not the one with rice and beans in your hair and on the floor love you katie hehe

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