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Lola's P.O.V.

"You know what I miss " I said " what? "said Liam "my bmw! " I said sad. "you have a bmw car? "asked Liam "no I have a bmw motorcycle I wasn't using it  when you guys kidnapped me cause I needed to do  some work on it  so I had to walk " I said "we said we're sorry when are you going to stop that "said Blake "never! " I said "well about your bike your mom gave it to us when we were getting your clothes "said Liam "no way your joking wait no your not " i said hugging Liam ."where's my "baby "? I asked "well your "Baby " is in the garage "said Luke "bye " I said running really fast. "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I miss you baby "I said "you really like your baby don't you " said Liam "yeah this is really my sister's before she past away when I was 8, she was all human and she died from cancer at the age of 16. I miss her so much everyday when I ride this bike I feel her there with me keeping me safe " I said crying "then why do you ride it then?" asked liam  "Thats a good question because I remember how me an her rode it together or i think she might come back to me I don't know " I said crying harder "you know she not coming back rite "said Liam" yeah I know but I see ger ghost sometime "I said you know Liam can be sweet person, a jerk, and a growling guy other times. "can I take her for a ride "I asked "yeah anytime you want when you ask low "said Luke "ok peace out swerve bitch " I said ''one say please and second I'm not a bitch  "said Ryder ''ok please swerve " I said "go  and some  have fun "said rider "woohoo " I said  

Liam's pov 

where is she, she been gone for two whole mins. that's long for a guy and because shes my one all I want her to be next to me now!!!! when she hugged me it was wonderful she smell like strawberrys and cherry's. shes back thank the lord. "hey guys have you been standing there since I left "said Lola "since you been gone I can breathe for the first time, Im so moving -shut up Luke "said Blake how can everyone make her laugh but me not fair. "you know your house is just a road then your house I thought I was going to get lost but no "said Lola with the cutest smile ever. "hey do you guys have any tools I can use to work on my baby "asked Lola "yeah here "said Luke "you know how to fix a motorcycle? "I asked "yeah my sis taught me and to fits cars too hehe "said Lola. I want to hear her real laugh not 'hehe'ugh. I sound like girl wow. "hey Lola -said Luke "hold on I'm getting a phone call. hello, yeah, yeah ok bye love too "said Lola "who was that "I asked "my dad he's just checking on me "said Lola "so what did you wanted to asked me lukey boo "said Lola "that if I can um ride your bike sometimes "said Luke "NO N -O no is allow to ride my baby only me an my dad got it "said Lola. shes so cute when she's mad oh yeah. "yes ma 'ma "said all of us. "call if you need us " said Luke 

lola's pov 

I never thought fixing my bike can be this much fun. I love fixing it reminds me being with my sister and us fixing it together. what was that. "who there I know someones there show yourself "I said. " Guys do you know that I jus -who's that " I asked "oh I think you saw our friend Katie move past you "said Luke ''hi I'm Katherine Scarlett Collins but most people call me Katie, Kate, kat, and Kathy, "said Kate ''And your Lola, the boys were just talking about you and sorry for scarying you I was just looking at your bike I have one too my sister gave it to me but she died before I was born so really my dad gave it to me "said Katie laughing. "well hi Katie how do you know the boys "I asked ''well I live here and I know them for what 100 years now. I just went to my aunts and I came an  find a new memeber that I can braid there hair an talk about guys plus dye your hair an chances too "said Katie "Wait you dyed his hair? " I asked "yeah he wanted it an I did it plus he lets me braid his hair too now  Do you want me to braid your hair "asked Katie.Katie was braiding my hair I thought of My sister when she did it I can think of Kate as a sister too ."done I did a fishtail "said Katie in a Italy accent "are you Italy? I asked '' yea and Dominican too "said Kate "me too we have so much in common " I said so happy

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