Plan to kidnapped the boys

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Lola's P.O.V

Katie and me been talking to Luke for over a month on e-mail and video chat ''ok Luke you remember the plan right on July 18 you go to the forest and wait by the spot and you have to act surprise when we take you guys and don't tell remember I know if you are telling them '' said Katie '' will you stay with us '' asked Luke ''maybe we don't know if we are ready to go back yet '' I said ''bye love you '' we said to each other ''do you think he is telling them '' I asked ''no I know what his doing remember I'm a princess a very powerful princess what I say something it goes '' said Katie '' what about blake he will see us coming '' I said '' I have magic for him not to see us coming '' said Katie its been over a month since the boys came Luke say everyone is just not themselves when we told them to leave us alone and when they got back they all went to the floor and started crying so hard. The image of Luke crying and tell him we wouldn't go back then we started to talk hes been acting himself sometime and he's been asking the same question if we are staying we always say the same thing we might not or maybe or we don't know.'' Katie '' I said ''yeah '' said Katie '' do you have any blood '' I said ''yeah here go you know you don't have to ask I always have some with me or on my face ha ha'' said Katie laughing cause it's true ....

Liam's P.O.V

All the boys are just watching t.v we haven't been the same ever since they left us we watch the movie they love to see like this means war then Damon or Ryder will go aw tom hardy your so cute in a girls voice then chance will go he can't hear you know that. It's goes like that until the movie is over we miss them so much we go out of our trouble to get them back but they wanted to stay its like we are not go enough for them and my own mate doesn't want me. Chance is more heart broken cause he loves Katie but Katie only likes him. Great now I'm in the bathroom crying like a girl. ''YO Liam it's the 18 of July come on great blood is out there waiting for us '' said Stefan so we left. We were just walking looking for animals then we heard something but it was just a bunny what's next a bear comes out no we get knocked out thats all I remember happening ''what did you do their not walking '' said a voice '' I just hey look their  waking up hey guys can you speak English '' said Katie '' yes we can where are we '' said Luke '' at your house oh how rude me I'm Katie and this is Lola and you guys are '' said Katie Laughing ''will these are my brothers Stefan, Blake, Damon, I'm Luke, Ryder,Chance, and last but not special Liam '' said Luke anyone feel like dev ' ju  ''happy birthday Katie ''we said now we were all happy ''so are you guys going to stay '' asked Chance they looked at each other then at us '' no we are just visiting and we are staying your faces were priceless thank you guys '' said Katie ''we love you guys we left cause we were scared of the memory's of our past and to control our eyes when we get mad and our anger that's why we told you to stay away '' said Katie oh that's why ''oh and Lola do you want to tell them something '' said Katie ''yes so um I'm pregnant '' said Lola we all just drop to our knees I'm going be a daddy ''yup she prego and we said no funny business you did it anyways '' said Katie hitting me this baby is going to have a lot of fun with this family I just see it already.

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