Best friend come to the house Yay

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Lola's Pov

Ovvk so its the day that Matty comes to the house to see Liam some how he knows Katie but who cares sleepover time babes. Katie never told why she was crying in Damon's room and chance is mad and won't even look her way and sometimes when she comes out he will look then he face turns sour .'' LOLA YOUR BESTIE IS HERE AND WITH MY OTHER BESTIE KATIE ''said Matt you got to love him '' AH MATTY I MISS YOU UH WE CAN'T BE A PART EVER AGAIN '' I said hugging him and Katie '' ok let me introduce you to the guy this is Chance, Damon, Stefan, Ryder, Luke, Blake, and as Luke said last but not great Liam my boyfriend '' I said laughing with Katie and Luke.'' Your Liam he has great hair nice butt and woo girl he has a 8 pack girl you got the hold package love it '' said Matt.''Thank you I think '' said Liam '' Katie gurl we need to know so are you and your sexy dance partner together what was his name oh yeah Nathan '' said Matt trying to get some details.'' No we are not together babe we are just great friends who dance together.'' said Katie laughing I want to meet Nate maybe later.''Hey low where do want these to late Kate got them.'' said Matt ''We're going to be in my room if you need us '' I said so this is where we corner Katie and see why she and chance are mad at each other and why  was she crying .'' Katie spill now'' said Matty '' I don't know what you are talking about matty .''said Katie '' yes you do, low told me so why were you crying and why is that sexy man name chance made a face when she said your name '' said Matt so Katie told us and let me tell it was stupid they we're dating if he never ask her out and she didn't want to date him not like she doesn't like him it just she doesn't want to date anyone rite now. '' Whoa gurl I'm going to go and don't know what I'm going to but I'm going to do something when I think of it '' said matt all mad it was so funny to see him mad I like it .'' knock knock we have ice cream all your favs '' said Damon '' that's why you are now my favorite of the brothers '' said Katie ouch chance was right behind him to now he's mad cause what she said ''oh ok I see how it is I was coming to say sorry but no I 'm not your favorite no let me talk in front of everyone cause they need to hear this boys come in here '' said chance what is doing he can't be doing this to Katie oh my gosh is she crying why '' what did you do to Katie '' said Ryder ''nothing is what she did to me '' said Chance '' this girl right here use me when we were practicing for the fight I kiss her and then she kiss me we all know that but what you don't know is she went to my room and she told me to act like the kiss never happen-'' said chance getting cut off '' chance sto....ppp please '' said Katie through her crying '' no they need to hear this, as I was saying she told me to forget and I said I won't because it was the best kiss ever and then I kiss her again, so she said no one can find what we did so we need to keep in a quite so I did, lola found out about us I thought yes someone know maybe she will tell people we are going out, three days later I was talking to her saying we should people about us but she said no because there is no us we are just friends who kiss and stuff, then she said I never ask her out which is true, and then I find her in Damon's bed I was looking for her to say sorry but no she sleeps with him and not come to me so we can talk now we are here '' said chance with now so much anger Katie is now crying so much everyone is now looking and shaking there. ''We told you not to touch her or do anything stupid but no you have to do something she never dated for a long time you should of leave her alone just go and don't even talk to her or even look at her '' said Blake angry ..................


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