Blast from the past

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lolas pov

"Why did  you wake up so early "said Katie mad "we wanted you awake cause low want to know how we meet Kate "said Luke. "yeah they wouldn't tell me until your up so Luke made you wake up " I said "LUKE IN THE CORNER NOW!!!!!!!! "said Katie not happy at all "so cold "said Luke "ok so it was like in the 1601 I was traveling a lot my mom never cared where I go so I went to the market, and the one person I saw was this idiot the one sitting next to you "said Katie "yeah I saw here I thought  she can be my one cause she was pretty, but your beautiful I went up to her when I was about to say hi she said "said Liam "I know what you are and no I'm not your one so don't try I'm what you are plus I can't have a one and your name is Liam hi "said Katie "that when I met the rest of the boys that's it end of story "said Katie hiding something I'll ask her later about that. Our date yesterday was kind of good and weird at the same time cause of the accents but the good part was that Liam feed me red velvet cake yummy in love with that cake (note to self  ask Kate  to make  more cake he he )"Lukey you can out she gone "I said laughing " it was so cold did she tell all of the story or some of it "said Luke "some of it why "I asked "because that story makes her cry cause it a dark past she doesn't visit again give her time and she will tell you the story, I would tell you but I can't it not all mines to tell "said Luke

Katie's pov 

why would she want to know my past it was the worst time of my life I was beaten by a guy and raped no one came to help until blake heard me scream for someone. He saved me before I bleed to death in my human form. I met the guys that day I lived with them cause the guy was looking for me and he killed my sister, mom, and dad looking for me. I still scream at night thinking he might come an finish what he start. Lola should never know that happen to me cause if she does she might treat me differently like everyone. "Katie are you ok I saw how you were almost about to cry back there "said chance "I just read a note saying that if I don't turn myself in my aunt son will go away its from the guy that's stalking my aunt he wants me "I said crying I don't want my cousin to go cause of me."We will not let that happen ok look at me I promise that you are not going to get hurt not even your cousin ok "chance as when the boys walk in agree with him I nodded I hope nothing happen to my boo

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