Meeting the parents no i mean ya i think

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Lola's Pov

After the fight we been doing our normal things and then this happen it was horror no I'm kidding or am I ''Lola um me, the guy, and katie are going to our parents ''said Liam ''cool have fun ''I said ''no um your coming with us too ''said Liam ''yeah they want to see if  liam is telling the truth about finding his one, and they want to meet you let me tell you there dad is funny when you get to know him,there mom is sweet and nice all the time she'll like you when your in''said katie '' when are we leaving ?'' I asked ''in two days ''said Stefan ''ah ah ah ah ah where did you come from '' asked Katie ''well when to people love each other very much they-''said Stefan laughing ''no not like that you idiot I mean where did you nevermind you all have dirty minds ''said Katie ''no we don't have dirty minds we have sexy thoughts ''said Chance hugging kate from behind ''Yeah whatever. I still think its dirty not sexy ''said Katie laughing a little ''so lola, katie all ready pack your clothes but the problem is that my parent are like in the 1600 type theme so we have to wear the clothes so katie made some for you ''said Liam ''your welcome ''said Katie bowing her head . ''oh and you have to call me Katherine when we are there cause I'm royal and they call me that and they bow so do you guys ''said Katie ''ok I can do that I  think ''I said what I forgot that she was royal and she doesn't  like it I won't like it to cause come on dresses and be very nice nope that's not me I'm mean when I want to .''Lola are you scared to meet the parents ''asked Damon from the kitchen ''god you guys like to scared people don't you and no I'm not really'' I said lying ''yeah you are your lying I can tell with peolpe are lying honey boo boo ha ha I'm funny '' said Damon ''yeah right your not funny your stupid ''said Katie ''but you know you like it baby ''said Damon holding Katie by her waist hello what going on with them 'slap' ''don't hold me like that you know I hate being held like that ''said Katie nevermind I'm crazy no one listen to low ''ouch why you have to slap me all you had to is just tell me to get off of you ''said Damon holding his cheek poor baby boo hoo .''Lola lets talk ''said Liam ''whats up ''I asked ''are you really scared of my parents there really nice when you get to know them there not sca-''said Liam ''my milkshake is better then yours i know you want it ''said my phone ''sorry hold on omg no way it can't be'' I said so happy ''who is it ''asked Liam ''shh hello ''I said ''girrrrrrrrllllllll you don't call me for what weeks maybe I don't remember so your my mom told me you found your one when am I going to meet him ''asked my favorite gay friend ever ''how about next week you can come over the house or his house baby '' I said ''who is that and why are you calling him baby ''said Liam a little angry ''hold on I'm putting you on speaker phone liam this my gay friend Matt '' I said '' oh hi Matt ''said Liam ''oh boo your voice even sound sexy I'm comig next week to see this sexy beast ''said Matt ''ok boo love you '' I said ''love you too babe '' said Matt. Me and Matt go way back hes like my only friend that won't judge me .

2 days later

''everyone in the car now ''said Katie it's  the big  day for me only cause I'm meeting their parent and I'm almost about to crap my pants yay not ! ''ok Lola you sit on Liam lap and I'll sit on Damon  ok lets go people we have a 30 min ride lets go lets go ''said Katie we got in the car it was pretty funny cause luke was like no more corner for me then katie went when we get there your going to a corner then luke went noo not again ha it was pretty funny to me .''let sing a song ''said Stefan '' what song ?'' I asked '' i like to move it you like to move i like to move i like to move all girls all over the world ''said Luke  ''oh nice sweet oh nice sweet fita stick come on i like to move ''said katie ''next song ''said Ryder ''ok how about sexy and i know it '' I said ''yeah when i walk on by girls be looking like they be fly i pick two beat '' said Katie ''walking down the street ah girl look at that body  i work out '' said Chance ''yeah right you don't even work out ''said Katie and then he lifts up his shirt and said ''yeah so why do I have an eight pack babe'' said Chance ''that is what you think hey look we're here ''said Katie man the house is so huge I think the house can eat me if it could. There were people at the front they look like parents maybe there the boys parent. Katie just almost jump out of the car before Stefan stop the car .''ah I miss you guys i should visit more '' said Katie hugging a man that looks like the boys alittle and a woman that looks she in her 20 to young to have 7 boys.''really awesome she's like me ''said Katie ''oh my your more beautiful then what Liam said about you'' said a women ''thank you '' I said alittle shy so what I'm shy .''I'm Daniel but you can call me Danny and this my wife lisa and you are more pretty in person everyone come inside the servents will get the bags and katie let them do it this one time please i miss you ''said Danny ''this one time Dan ''said katie

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