Chapter 8

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>SooJung's POV<

While cleaning I started to worry about Loco.
Tomorrow is the day of the 3rd round. If I pass, I have a chance to be in on of the teams. What should I do if he finds out? But I also don't want to reject him... I have a huge crush on him. AAHH! What should I do??

The door opens and I turn around to see who enters the shop. It's HyukWoo.
He scanns the room until he finds me.
He starts smiling and walks towards me.

Ah, I love his smile! He looks like an angel.

"Hey there!" "Hi!" I smile at him, then look at the clock.
"Oh, you're too early! I still have to work 15 more minutes" "I'll wait! ... Can I get a coffee!" "Of course!" We walk to the counter and I start making his coffee.
"You look amazing!" "T...thanks!" Happily my back is facing him otherwise would be perfect for him to see my red face.
I turn around and give him his coffee.
"Are you excited?" "Of course I am! You only told me we'll be goin to the river"
My boss enters the room after she left to clean the kitchen.
"Oh, SooJung-ssi! Is this the guy you're meeting today?" My eyes grow big.
Why is she asking this? She's so much like my mom! But at least she isn't telling him childhood storys of me like my mom would do.
"Uh, ...yes. Yes, I'm that guy! My name is Kwon HyukWoo. Nice to meet you!" He bows at my boss and then smiles at us.

>Loco's POV<

Soojung's boss knows that we have a date today? She must have talked about me then! Means she likes me!

>SooJung's POV<

...Awkward silence...

"Soojung-ssi, you can finish for today. There won't be many customers in the last 5 minutes." "Really? Thank you Mrs Kim!"
"Umm... I still have to pay for my coffee," Loco says. "No, it's okay! Since you're a friend of SooJung, it's for free." "Thank you!"
He bows then looks at me "Are you ready?" "Let me just get my bag befor we leave!,"I say while smiling.

Gosh, this guy makes me smile because of the silliest things! ... I really don't want to hurt him.

After I got my bag we say goodbye to Mrs Kim and leave the coffee shop; he even opens the door for me <3
Hyukwoo is too perfect to be human.

"Aehm, Hyukwoo?" "Yes?" "How are we getting there?" "With my car. Mind following me?"


After walking for a few minutes we arrive at his car.
"Wow, that's an expensive car. It's probably more expensive than the rent of my apartment and the one of my for a whole year... why would you buy a car like this?"
"You're so cute!... oh, you can call me 'oppa'. But only if you want."
He scratches his neck and smiles awkwardly.
"How did you know that I'm younger than you?"
"I asked one of your collegues when you were busy one day..." "Oh.. But you just could have asked me, oppa!" I pout a bit.
"If I want to know something about you again, I'll ask you!" "Promise?" "Promise!"

He opens the door of his car and motions me to sit down.
After sitting down, he closes the door and walks around the car to the drivers seat.
Afterhe got in the car too, we put on our seatbelts.
"Ready?" "Yes!"
He starts the car.

15 minutes later

Hyukwoo oppa parks the car under a bridge and turns around to face me.
"Could you wait here for a second?... And put this over your eyes please!"
He hands me a bandana.
"I'll wait, but why the blindfold-thingy? Are you some kind of pervert, Hyukwoo?"
I start to laugh while saying the last part.
"No, but I have a surprise! You shouldn't see it befor it's ready."
"Okay then. Could you help me to put this on?"
He nods and I turn around so that my back is facing him.
Loco puts the bandana over my eyes and ties it together at the back of my head.
"You can't see anything?" "Nope, I'm blind. And now go! I can't wait to see the surprise!"
He doesn't answer. I only hear how he gets out of the car and then picks up something that must have been laying at the back of it.

>Loco's POV<

I grab the blankets, pillows, candles, as well as the basket with food and walk a few meters away from the car to a tree. I put one of the bankets on the ground under the tree, I put the other ones down and arrange the pillows.
I put down the candles around the blanket and light them up.
The baslet is standing behind one of the pillows.
This really looks romantic! "Good work Hyukwoo! Time to show it SooJung!," I tell myself.
I run back to the car as fast as possible.
"Ready SooJung?" "Yes! It seemed like I was waitibg forever! Can I put down the blindfold?" "No, sorry. We still need to go to your surprise."
"Okay. Would you help me out of the car? And please give me my bag!"
After helping her out, I grab her bag and close the door of the car.
"Don't forget to lock your car!"
After locking my car I turn Soojung to the direction we need to walk in.
I stamd behind her and put on eof my hands on her shoulder.
"Ready for your surprise?" "Hmm... Do you guide me there?" "I fI would let you walk around like this, you would only hurt yourself." " 'Kay, then let's go!"
I guide her to yhe tree while my hand is still resting on her shoulder.
Our height difference is really cute, I could put my head on top of hers.
We stop two meters infront of the blanket.
"I'll put the bandana down, okay?"
Soojung nods.

>SooJung's POV<

After Hyukwoo put the blanket down I blink a few times to see clearly again.
It's slowly getting dark outside but infront of me is a place that is still light up.


"Is this... is this the surprise?" I ask and turn around to face him.
"Yes," he answers and smiles, "Do you like it?"
"Liking it? I LOVE IT! And... this is realy for me?"
He nods his head.
I start smiling even more and just hug him.
At first he seems a bit shocked bit then puts his arms around my waist.
"Wanna sit down?," he asks, still hugging me.

>Loco's POV<

After letting go of each other, I take Soojung's hand and walk with her to the blanket.
We sit down and just look at each other for a while in silence without being awkward.

Then I remember the basket.
"There is still something missing." "More?? Don't you think THIS is already enough?"

I put the basket next to us and take out two glasses and a bottle of wine.
"Want some?," I ask.
Her eyes grow bigger.
"I...I don't really know what to say about all this... a simple 'thank you' isn't enough."
"I know what you could do." I smirk.
"What is it?" "A... kiss!"
"You don't have to.... just, forget about it."
I look to the ground.
Why did I say this????
Suddenly, I feel a pair of lips on my cheek...

SMTM- More like Show me the love (Finished)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora