Chapter 1

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>SooJung's POV<
》Beep...beep...beep《 my alarm is ringing, time to get up!
I roll around in bed and stop the alarm.
I look on my phone, it says "7:30 am". 30 minutes until I have to leave for my audition.
I walk, still half asleep, in my small bathroom to take a short shower and to brush my teeth. Actually, I'm not planning to put on make up. They shall focus on my rap and not on my looks!!
After 10 minutes I leave the bathroom, dry my hair and pick out some clothes. "Hmm... which of these shirts covers my chest the best?" I ask myself. I finally pick out a gray oversized sweatshirt, wide black pants, black jordans, a matching bandana and a snapback. Perdect to cover up that I'm a girl!!
After getting dressed I walk in my kitchen. I'm not really hungry but I need to eat something to concentrate better!
I fisnish eating and look at my phone again. Still 10 more minutes until I need to leave.
I decide to put on my headphones and start playing the beat.
I start rapping. After 3 minutes I finish my rap. I remembered all my lyrics! Hopefully I don't forget them when one of the producers is judging me.
There is still time left befor I need to leave but I just decide to leave earlier. I grab my key and leave...
|| Time skip ||
"This is your name tag please wear it" the girl tells me.
We're around the same age but she looks so much more cuter than I do.
Okay, the reason for this are my boy-ish clothes... and my tattoos maybe.
After putting on the name tag I'm waiting ...and waiting...
"Ahh, my legs hurt!" "What are you? A girl?" I hear two boys behind me saying.
I don't have a problem with standing for that long. The bigger problem is my stomach... I'm starting to get hungry but I'm prepaired. I put down my backbag and look for the kimbap I brought.
'Found it' I say to myself.
After putting my bag on my back again.
I notice someone.
I put the bandana, that is around my head to cover my nose and mouth down and turn to the boys behind me.
"Isn't that P-type?" I point to the man a few meters away from us. "What? Where?... oh it's really him!" One if them says. Is he going to audition for SMTM4 too?" His friend asks and looks at me like he just saw a ghost. "If so" I start "we don't have a chance to win!" They only nod theid heads. "That's right, umm..." one of them reads my name tag. "...S.J.!" "Nice name bro!" The other one says
Wow, they didn't noticed that I'm a girl.
After that I turn around to face the entrance and to eat.
After I finish eating I put the bandana on again and check if my hair is fully covered by my hat.
I can finally enter the arena!
I'm standing behind a tall guy. He turns around to see who is behind him. He smiles, bows and then turns around again.
I can't belive who stands infront of me: WOO TAEWOON!
His dongsaeng is one of the producers!
It's Taewoon's turn now...
He passes and get's a necklace
'Let me pass, please' is the only thing that's on my mind right now

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