Chapter 17

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>SooJung's POV<

My mom isn't feeling well since a few days.
She has heartproblems and the pills she's taking aren't helping anymore.
She needs to get surgery but it's so expensive ...
I really want to help mom but I just can't afford the money.
I need to help her! I just can't loose mom too, it was already hard enough for SooYoo and me to deal with dad's death!

We just finished the rehershal.
Jay and Loco are standing infront of us.
"All of you did well! You all remembered the lyrics, I think we're ready!"
Geegoin, Sick K, David Kim, Lil Boi and I go back in our waiting room to relax and prepair some more.

>Loco's POV<

"Hyung, didn't SooJung behave different from how she usually does?"
"Huh? You mean S.J.? ... Yeah, kinda."
"I should talk to her, maybe she isn't feeling well."
I follow our teams rappers to the waiting room.

"S.J., can we talk for a second"
"Umm.. yes."

She seems sad, did anything happen?

"Let's talk outside of the studios! It's too loud in here!" "Mmm, let me... let me just get my jacket." She mumbles.
I nod and she turns around. After she grabs her jacket we leave the studios and go to the parking lot. We stop at the end of it.

I was walking next to her and looked at her more than once. She didn't noticed.
SooJung looked down to her feet the whole time.
Why does she seem so worried today?

"Soojung, is everything okay?"
She looks up from her feet to look at me.

Why didn't I notice the tears in her eyes earlier?

"Why are you so sad? Why are there tears in your eyes?"
She looks directly in my eyes and then starts crying.
Shit, what have I done?!?!

"Yah... stop crying!"
I stand there without moving but then I remember something.
The last time she cried, I hugged her and she calmed down a bit. Maybe this works today too?

I pull her towards me, lay her head against my chest and put my arms around her.
She puts her arms around me while sobbing.

"Shh... don't cry! Tell me what happened and I'll help you!"

... why are my arms getting wet?...
I look up to the sky.
"Soojung, please stop crying. ... the sky starts crying too... please stop."
She only moves closer to me, if this is even possible.
I kiss the top of her head.

"Please stop crying. I can't stand seeing you like this! Please stop, it just breaks my heart! Please SooJung!"

She slowly loosens her arm around my body and looks straight into my eyes.

... I just have to do it...

>SooJung's Pov<

I look into Hyukwoo's eyes when he suddenly presses his lips onto mine while holding my face in both of his hands.
After the kiss ends, I look at him.
"Why?" I ask. "What?" "Why did you kiss me?" "I couldn't hold it back anymore."

My eyes start to get wet again.
"If you start crying, the sky will cry too." Hyukwoo says and smiles cutely.

Too late... It's raining already. I can feel my hair getting wet.

Hyukwoo noticed the rain too and puts my jacket over my head. He holds my face in his hands again and takes a deep breath.
"I still love you!" "I love you too, Hyukwoo. But-" I get cut off by Hyukwoo kissing me.
After the kiss ended he holds my hands and we look at each other.

"Did anything happen to you? You act so different today?"
"My mom... she..." "What's wrong with your mom?!?! What happened?"
"She has heartproblems and smneeds to take a lot of medicine."
Small tears run down my cheeks.

"She wasn't feeling well and went to the hospital a few days ago." "Is she okay?" "The doctor said she needs to get surgery... she already decided to do it."
"But that's good! Your mom will feel better soon!" "No... she won't feel good anytime soon. I don't have enough money!"

>Loco's POV<

Team mission

The other producers as well as Jay hyung and I are sitting on sofas infront of the stage.

"Hyukwoo?" "Yes?" "Is everything okay? You haven't really been talking since you came back from talking to S.J.." Jay hyung wispers. "It's nothing..."

"Loco?" "Huh? Yes, Tablo hyung?"
"Do you have a girlfriend?" "Um...what?"
All judges are looking at me.
"W...why are you asking?" "I saw you and a girl at the parking lot... you guys were kissing!" He raises one of his eyebrows.

I look at Jay hyung with the 'Help-me-idk-what-to-do-'Look.

"Yes, it's his girlfriend!" He answers for me.

Wow.... thanks bro... really helpfull *sarcasm*

"What's her name hyung?" Zico asks.


Thank god! I don't know what they'll do if they would find out.
Mnet would probably kick me out of SMTM.... and SooJung too.
I don't want to ruin her life!

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