Chapter 7

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I'm really sorry for making you wait for such a long time. Since I've finished writing the complete ff a fee days ago, I'll try to update more often!!
Have fun reading this chapter♥

Loco's text: "SooJung-ssi, sorry for not answering you! We'll be going to Han river after I pick you up!"

S.J.'s text: "Oh, okay ^.^ See you tomorrow Hyukwoo :)"

>SooJung's POV<

So we're going to the Han river tomorrow.

I hear the door bell. Why is SooYoo ringin the damn door bell? She got a key!
When I want to get up I already hear SooYoo entering my apartment.
"Unnie, I'm here!" "I'm in the bedroom!"
I hear her taking of her shoes and walking towards me.

We hug each other and she sits down next to me on the bed.
"Do you know where you two will be going tomorrow? Or is he still not answering your texts?" "He answered. We're going to the river tomorrow" I answer.

What I didn't notice is that, as soon as I start talking about the date, I'm smiling and blushing.

"Romantic!" SooYoo says.
"OH! Unnie, is everything okay?" "Yes, why?" "Your face is red!... Ahhhh! You're blushing! You really seem to like him!"
"Yah, shut up! I'm not blushing!"
I grab one of my pillows to hit her.

"Unnie! Stop!" "Don't say that again!" I say to her while pouting. "But it's true! ... sooo, what will you wear? It should be something you can also wear at work, since he'll pick you up after work." "I have too many clothes I could wear!" "What? A girl can't have 'too much clothes! ... wait, I'm gonna pick out something!"
She stands up and walks over to my closet.

SooYoo picks out something and shows it to me.
"Wear this!" "It's a dress!?" "Yes." "I don't wear dresses."
"Come on unnie! You would look great in this!" "The last time I wore this was at our uncle's wedding... I was 15 at that time!"
"Are you sure I can wear a dress at work? Won't I catch a cold?" "Okay, I understand. You don't want to wear one. I got it!"

She turns around, puts the dress back in the closet and starts looking for a different outfit.

Next day, 1 hour befor the coffee shop closes

>Loco's POV<

I put the blankets, some pillows, candles and a basket with food in my car.

Since I already packed everything I need I go back in my apartmemt and look at the mirror.
The outfit I chose are casual:
A white shirt, a leather jacket and black pants. And of course matching shoes and matching hat!

I'm ready now!
"Still 30 more minutes until the coffee shop closes.
... I need ten minutes to go there by car if the traffic isn't that bad... I just gonna leave now and then wait until her shift ends! ... Oh, the bandana!"

After I enter my bedroom, I pick up the bandana from a shelf.

I need this as a blindfold!

I close the bedroom door, grab the keys for my car, the ones for my apartment and of course my phone befor I leave.

>SooJung's POV<

Yay, today is the day of my first date with Loco!

Yesterday, my sister and I finally found something for me to wear today that both of us liked.
It almost took us 4 hours to agree on one outfit but I think the result looks really good:
I'm wearing a black shirt, light blue cut-out-jeans, a black and red jacket, which I put around my hips, black shoes and a white snapback.

But since my sister is a perfectionist, she even gave me a matching bag... she really is a bit crazy...

I look at the clock that's hanging on the wall. 7:35 pm it says.
I sigh, still 25 minutes until Hyukwoo picks me up.
"Soojung, you can start to cleans the tables since we're closing soon... and you can't stay longer," my boss says.
To be honest, she's more like a aunt to me. She's around the same age as my mom and she's always so friendly towards me and my collegues.

I nod, grab something to clean the tables and walk over to them.

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