Chapter 13

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I'm back again... I actually planned to finish SMTL when 2015 ended but well...
And sorry again for the mistake with Chapter 11 & Chapter 12. I hope it won't happen again.
Anyways, here's the next chapter for you
>SooJung's Pov<

I can't hold back the tears and notice how the strenght in my legs slowly fades.
I'm about to fall on my knees but someone catches me, Loco.

He holds me as thight as possible and mumbles something against my hair. "I can't forget you that easily! How shall I forget the person I love more than music? How shall I do this, huh?"

I start to cry harder, while my head is still resting on his chest.
My tears are making his shirt wet but none of us really cares right now.

"Please stop crying! You look so much more beautiful when you're  smiling!" Hyukwoo wispers and loosens his arms around me as he notices that I start moving.
While I'm still hugging him I begin to talk,"I'm *sob* I'm sorry!"
"It's okay... I think I would have done the same if I would have been in your shoes." "We still can't continue this as long as I'm a participant." "But-" "No buts, Hyukwoo!"
I take a step back to look at him.
"I think... you should go now."
He looks at me with sad eyes.
"Can I get a last kiss?" I only nod.

Hyukwoo comes closer until our lips touch.

He takes a step back when he needs to breath. His hands are still cupping my face.
"I love you!" Hyukwoo says befor he kisses my forhead and leaves my apartment

This is the end... I'll never will be like this with Hyukwoo again...

magical timeskip - 4th round

All rapper that passed round three together with me got called

Right now we're standing on a stage and wait.
"Has anyone seen S.J.? Or has he been kicked out?!," one of the rapper asks
"S.J. didn't get kicked out. SHE passed," I answer his question and the males turn around.
After looking at my name tag the boy that asked and two others look up and down my body like they're checking me out.

This time I'm not wearing clothes that hide that I'm a girl. No, I'm wearing something completely different: a thight black crop top and high waisted skinny jeans that make my curves look REALLY great.

"Finished checking me out, boys?," I ask after they didn't stip staring for like three minutes.
"You- you're a girl??" "Problem with that?" I raise one of my eyebrows.
"Umm..." "Guys, stop looking at her like that! She deserves to be here, just like the rest of us. All of you cheered for her when she got an 'ALL PASS'!" Mino says.

Yay! At least one of the boys in this competition doesn't have a problem with my gender!

Suddenly the door infront of us opens.
Everyone stays still and looks in the same direction.
The producers come in and sit down, but there's still one seat empty.
The person that's going to sit there enters the room:

A living legend like him? Here? I must be dreaming!!

All of us are cheering for him.
After sitting down he scans us.

I also look around in the room until my eyes meet Hyukwoo's. Our eyes only meet for one second befor I look away.

I told him to forget me and I have to do the same. I just have to forget him.

After he finished scanning us he starts speaking, of course in english.

A staff translates what he said but befor she even finishes, I already put my hand up to answer his question.
"Here are two females," I say.
"Where? Move forward, please."
Since the second female rapper stands next to me I whisper to her what he just said.
She nods and we both walk to stand infront of the others.

"The two of you seem comepletely different. You seem pretty boy-ish and you look like the girlfriend of one of them!"

While saying "one of them" he points at team AOMG.

My eyes grow big and so do Loco's.
"They wish they had a girlfriend like her!," San-E says.
Almost everyone in the studio starts laughing.
After they calmed down I start speaking "Actually, I'm not that different from her. When I first came here noone knew if I was a boy or girl." "We didn't know until last round" San-E continues.

"Tricky!... good english by the way!" Snoop Dogg says and nods.
"Thank you! I'm actually half amerikan." I answer and then return to my spot at back.

"Todays mission is," San-E starts "a CYPHER. All of you have ten minutes to rap. The ones who weren't able to do so will be eleminated immediately. Snoop Dogg will also choose 4 rapper that will leave the show. You don't have time to prepair. As soon as the music starts, your time starts too."

Everyone, me included, isn't that happy about todays mission. Well, everyone besides Seo ChulGoo.
Of course he's happy! He's the best rapper here when it comes to freestyle.
Ahh... I'm afraid.

Befor we starts,  Snoop Dogg says something again,"I don't care what you're rap is about. I just want to know your own personal style!"
The staff translates what he said and all of us get ready.

The beat starts playing...

4 minutes later

I still didn't have a chance to rap but now I'm just gonna grab the microphone.
One of the boys that was starring at me earlier holds it in his hands right now and raps. Now I'm just gonna flirt a bit!

>Loco's POV<
4 minutes left and there are still so many rapper that haven't had a chance yet. Soojung is one of them.
On one hand, I want her to pass and do well but in the other hand, I want her to leave SMTM so we can restart everything that was between us.
I still love her... I just want to be with her.

A rapper is about to finish and she... she FLIRTS WITH HIM???

Why does it seem like she's enjoying it?
He finishes his rap and then passes the microphone to Soojung while staring at her.

Well, seems like flirting was helpful...

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