Chapter 24~Cold Cases

Start from the beginning

"It would never fit in our freezer!" Jax replied. Sherlock huffed in annoyance and went back to shuffling through the folders. Jax gave Molly a look that said "see what I have to deal with," and Molly giggled.

"Sherlock, pass me that red folder." Jax said, gesturing to a file across the table.

"Let me get the cow." Sherlock replied.

"Where would you even find a cow?" Jax said, getting annoyed.

"I know a guy." Sherlock answered.

"What would you use it for?" Jax asked.

"Experiments." Sherlock said simply. Jax rolled her eyes.

"Fine, I'll get it myself." Jax snapped, reaching far across the table and grabbing the folder. She stuck her tongue out at Sherlock before opening it. Molly couldn't help but stare at them. She had never seen an odder pair. She had wondered many times if they were a couple, as many others had. But the two of them seemed oblivious to what everyone around them realized. Of course they cared for each other, even Molly who wasn't around often could see that. And yet, she couldn't bring herself to be jealous of Jax. You couldn't be jealous of her, because it was impossible to dislike her. She had always been nice to her, and Molly considered Jax her friend. Jax's witty sense of humor appealed to almost everyone, and you couldn't help but want to be her friend. Of course, then there was the appeal of her massive intellect. But Jax didn't flaunt it or show off like Sherlock did, and you almost had to remind yourself that she was just as smart. Molly snapped out of her thinking state.

"What about this one Sherlock?" Jax asked him, showing him the file she was looking at. "A series of serial suicides. No connection except for the fact that they all overdosed from inside a locked room with no signs of forced entry. They all took the poison willingly, and had histories of a happy childhood and family life, without any reason for suicide." Sherlock took the folder, inspecting it. Molly glanced at the list that was resting on the table.

"I'm actually heading to the store now, did you want me to pick these things up for you?" She asked politely. Jax looked at her, glimpsing at the list.

"Oh, thank you so much, Molly." Jax said. Molly picked up the list, reading it over. It was initially written in black ink, under a messy, skinny handwriting. Then someone wrote over it with red ink, with thicker handwriting.

Grocery list:
1. Ethernet cables
2. Biscuits
3. Dry ice -NO
4. Kerosine -NO
5. Nondairy creamer -MAYBE
6. Diet coke
               }NOT AT THE SAME TIME
7. Mentos
8. PVC pipe -NO
9. Canon balls -DEFINITELY NOT
10. Entire cow(pre-slaughtered if possible) -WE DON'T HAVE A BIG ENOUGH FREEZER
11. Many, many candles -YOU CAN HAVE FOUR
12. Copper wire -NO
13. Chainsaw -ABSOLUTELY NOT
14. Milk
15. Dimethylmercury -DO I LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT?
17. Series 1-12 of Myth Busters -THAT IS THE WORST IDEA

Molly chuckled after she finished reading the list.

"I see Jax modified it a bit." Molly said.

"Only a bit." Jax said jokingly. Molly smiled and left the lab.
"Why are we doing this again?" I asked.

"We're getting into the victims head." Sherlock answered.

"Ah," I replied. There was a moment of silence. We were each lying on the slabs in the morgue, the tables that I had seen Molly place the body bags on. Sherlock's eyes were closed, his hands steepled under his mouth.

"What's the point of getting into their heads if they're already dead?" I asked. Sherlock didn't have an answer for that. Another pause of silence. I closed my eyes and exhaled, drifting off.

"Why would they kill themselves..." Sherlock mumbled. I opened my eyes, moving my head to the side to look at him. His black curls were ruffled and fell across his forehead. His eyes were closed, and I could see the wheels whirring in his head. I looked back up at the ceiling. There was another pause of silence before I sat up.

"Well, I'm going to get some food." I said. Sherlock hummed in response. Knowing he wouldn't want anything, I walked out of the morgue. As I was walking back, a takeout bag hanging on my arm, loud alarms started to blare. The sprinklers switched on, water raining down on me. I gasped, dropping the plastic bag. This had one high functioning sociopath written all over it.

"Sherlock!" I shouted angrily.
I stomped up the stairs to the flat, with Sherlock following behind me. We came into the living room, where John was sitting with his laptop. His eyes widened when he saw us. We were drenched head to toe, our clothes and hair dripping wet.

"What happened to you two?" John asked.

"Sherlock flooded the lab." I replied, my voice heavy with rage.

"I didn't flood it!" Sherlock protested. I glared at him.

"You flooded it." I snapped. "Honesty, Sherlock, I can't leave you alone for two minutes!" Sherlock hung his head in shame and I huffed in annoyance. I turned and stomped up the stairs to my room.

Thanks to mrsHerondales for making the new cover!

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