Start from the beginning

            “With all due respect, sir, if this carrier carriers these twins then either he or the babies will die. It’s your pick.”

            “You can pick between respecting my authority or becoming part of the plan. At least that way you’ll prove useful.”

            The air around the 2 officials sizzled with the anger emanating from the two. Onew almost felt chilled in contrast by the coldness in their stares. They were waging silent wars against each other, battling for his life. Logic versus passion.

            The carrier wasn’t sure what to feel. Through this torture he had always wanted to disappear, to take away everything that had happened since the death of his supposed to be child. Perhaps death could be his way out… These twins could have been his miracle. The pieces were fitting together. He’d been gifted with an escape for himself.

            “Get him set up and installed in the medical wing. I want someone checking on him every hour and I want updates after each check up. Get moving.” Dr. Park threw down the knob he was holding letting it clatter onto the tray as he stalked out of the room.

            Onew was jostled around some more. The gurney and IVs kept attached to his body. The sores on his body protested loudly as they rolled. With the coolness of the gel wiped off he had nothing to focus on.

            Curtains pulled around the bed he would now be spending all of his time in. He wheezed for air, the position he’d been in while being lifted making it harder to gasp in air. He could feel the cell phone where it was wedged. He’d had to place it back where he’d first hidden it to keep away from the workers and Dr. Park. There were plans associated with that phone that were more important than life itself.

            The more he was moved around the more he could feel it squelching between his cheeks. It was firmly wedged there, but if he kept twitching as such it would slide out.

            When he was finally placed on the bed he let out a short breath of relief. The tubes were readjusted and with a final check up on the machines he was left alone.

            Surrounded by the low hum of machines. Small vibrations traveled through the floor, giving Onew a miniscule massage. Footsteps disappeared, a door closed. It was just him and the bright lights of the medical wing. No one but him and the two things growing inside his man-made womb. And a cell phone.

            Dr. park was still griping about having lost his phone, though Onew had yet to see him with a new phone. He was probably too boggled down by all the recent mishaps to go get a new one. It was all good news for the carrier but he needed to act quickly otherwise he would miss his chance completely.

            He stalled till he was sure everyone had gone. With all his strength Onew fished between his cheeks and worked out the concealed mobile device. His muscles strained against the movement. Occasionally he had to lever his bottom down and let his abdomen rest but with work he got it. There was a slight, rank smell that followed it. Considering Onew was used to the reek of his own body, though, it camouflaged easily.

            He clicked the button, watching as the screen lit it up. He’d turned it off to conserve the battery. It was a long wait till the phone turned on. When it did he was met with the wallpaper, an old picture of Onew and the doctor during one of their many dates. Once upon a time it would have brought a smile to his face… Looking at it now there were too many emotions for him to sift through.

            He pressed the numbers roughly, wanting to get rid of the sentimental memory threatening to flood him. Just a few numbers were needed to lead everyone to safety. Three numbers exactly.

            “Nine-one-one, what’s your emergency?” the man on the other end of the receiver questions in a tone much too chipper for someone handling emergencies.

            Onew tried to take a deep breath, the gust stopping halfway through and making him hack weakly.

            “Hello?” the person called. “Are you still there?”

            “Y-yes,” Onew whispered. He could hope that they could hear him.

            “How can I help you, sir? Are you injured?”

            “I-I’ve been kidnapped… There’s other… Other people… Help us…”

            “Sir, do you have any idea where you are?”

            “No… We’re hurt… Please… Help us…”

            “Stay on the line sir, we’re going to track your location and send help.”

THE BABY MILL [[{SHINee}]]Where stories live. Discover now