16 // "I did a horrible thing"

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I woke up the next morning. I knew I had to get down to the styling rooms because the band was filming the rest of the music video today. And Chanyeol and Chen had hair changes since last time...so God bless those who depend on hair styles/colors to tell these boys apart.

I quickly got ready, throwing my hair up in a professional looking ponytail, because I had curled my hair last night. I grabbed my flashdrive with their written song on it and did a horrible thing.

I leaked it.

Onto the Internet. For anyone to hear it.

I threw the flashdrive in the back drawers of my desk, trying to forget what I had done. I finished my makeup and outfit of the day and ran out the door. I bumped into D.O in our hallway. "Woah," he said, gently grabbing my upper arms. I didn't realize I was panting. "You okay there?" He glanced at my door that I had just flew out of.

"Uh, yeah," I said. He was standing too close. His eyes were looking into mine, searching for answers. He would be able to see right through me.

If they found out what I did, I'd be fired, and every last one of the Exo members would hate me.

"Seriously, are you okay?" D.O asked again.

"Yeah?" I said. "What about you? You're supposed to be down there!"

"Yeah, I was just grabbing some more hair gel. They ran out down there," D.O said.

Shit. I'm in charge of that. "Why did they run out? There should have been enough."

"Well, they put a lot of gel in Kai's hair."

I looked at him. "No, this isn't good." I started walking quickly down the hall and to the styling room. All the boys were getting ready to leave. "Why is there a whole bottle of gel in Kai's hair?" I asked the remaining people in the room.

The stylists all looked at me. "Kim J okay-ed this," one of them said.

I shook my head, and D.O gave them his gel. I walked over to the door. "Okay, everyone move out! We're on a schedule!" I hated sounding so bossy today, but the rest of the filming had to be done today. And if I didn't look like I had things under control, I looked guilty.

Everyone moved out into the room we'd be filming in. About an hour in, Kim J got a phone call and left the room. When he came back, he and some other managers were talking together. I glanced over, trying not to look suspicious. Or did he know it was me?

Kim J and I finally had eye contact and he waved me over. I walked over, my heart racing so fast. "I was informed that a song was leaked," Kim J said.

"Oh no," I blurted, "Call Me Baby was leaked?!"

"No," Kim J said, exhaling. "One of their own songs. One of them must have leaked it. I mean, why wouldn't they? It's for the fans."

I glanced over at Xiumin, who was looking at me. I'm so sorry, I told him in my head. Not that he could understand me. Someone was going to suffer consequences because of me.

"We have it taken down," Kim J said, "but I need to find out who leaked it. There could be a rebellion starting up, and I don't want to have to sue anyone else."

"My money is on Lay," one manager said. "Since he composed it."

"Yeah, but Chen and Chanyeol wrote the words. They're just as guilty," another manager said.

"I know who did it," the other manager said. My heart skipped a beat as we all looked at him. "It was D.O. When he went to get the extra gel. It was leaked this morning at that time. He fits in the time frame."

"We're releasing a repackage album in June," Kim J said. "They're going to start working on Love Me Right next month - if D.O is really the one, I will cut all his lines."

I bit my lip. Not D.O. "I don't hate you because I have it good here"  I remembered D.O telling me weeks and weeks ago. Now he would hate me.

At the end of the day, they were released from filming and had the rest of the night off. "I'm going to shower to get all this gel out!" Kai exclaimed to the others, laughing.

Xiumin walked up to me. "You looked at me funny earlier. Is everything okay?" He looked over at D.O following Kim J in the direction of his office. "What's D.O doing?"

I couldn't breathe. D.O saw me too - D.O would know I did it. D.O could tell Kim J the truth and get all his lines back and then I'd really be fired. "I need to talk to you," I said, quietly. We quickly walked together back upstairs, to my room. I shut the door behind us. "I first want to say that I am so, so sorry."

"For what?" Xiumin asked. He seemed gentle right now, but I was still afraid he would get angry with me.

"You look really nice," I said. "Really attractive."

"Okay, don't beat around the bush." Xiumin smiled. "But thanks."

I exhaled. "I need you to turn around. I can't see your face when I tell you this. I did a horrible thing." He just stood there, staring at me. "Minseok! Turn around. Please."

"Fine," he said quietly. He turned around. "What did you do?"

"Today while filming....they discovered a song that was leaked. They took it down though."

"Call Me Baby?" Xiumin asked. "Why would you leak Call Me Baby?"

"No, I didn't leak Call Me Baby. There's no reason to. Don't worry about Call Me Baby," I said.


"I leaked...your song. And because of the time frame...they think D.O leaked it when he went to get more gel. And he saw me leave here. D.O's lines are at risk...he's going to tell Kim J. D.O can see right through anyone."

I saw Xiumin exhale. "Why did you leak it?"

"You were right. The fans needed to hear the song. And they did. Not everyone, but many did. And because of that...it'll be added to the repackage album in June."

"There'll be a repackage album in June?" Xiumin asked. "When will we work on that, between comeback shows?! I am so stressed..."

"No, don't stress. Please. It'll all be okay. You're not supposed to know about the repackage album too."

Xiumin turned around. "I'm not mad, Amy. Come here." He pulled me into a hug. "I'm not mad," he repeated.

The door flew open, and I freaked out, seeing Baekhyun in the corner of my eye. I quickly threw my arms around Xiumin's neck and pulled him into a kiss. It surprised Xiumin, but he caught on. "Oh," Baekhyun said. "Oh, man. Sorry-"

"Oh, Baekhyun..." I said. "This is so embarrassing." I looked at Xiumin.

"Are you two like a thing?" Baekhyun asked.

"Uh-" I said, still looking at Xiumin.

"Yeah," Xiumin said. "This is so confidential."

Baekhyun nodded. "Okay. Xiumin, I need to talk to you."

"Okay, just give me a minute," Xiumin said, and Baekhyun nodded and closed the door behind him as he left my room. "Wow, nice save."

"Really? Because he has to talk to you.."

"He's going to tell me he doesn't approve because he's had experience from dating in SM. That's it. If it was Kai, we'd be dead. Because I shouldn't be in your room. That's what Kim J told me," Xiumin said.

"Minseok," I said. "You know we really can't date if I get fired."

"Here's the thing, I don't think D.O will tell Kim J. He'll probably take the blame for you. I could always be wrong, of course. But I don't think I am." Xiumin gave me one last hug before leaving. "Oh, but if you do get fired, I will do whatever I can to get out of here."

"No you won't," I said. "They'll sue you."

"Oh...yeah." He smiled, and then slipped out my door and closed it behind him.

Then I got a text from Kim J. "Come to my office," it read.

EXO's Manager (EXO Xiumin fanfic) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now