5 // "They hate me and I understand why"

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When Xiumin said that and walked away, I felt like I had been stabbed in the stomach. I liked him so much...and yet he hated me. I went to my dorm and shut the door only partially before I went to my desk to work. I was typing away when I heard a knock on my door, and D.O peaked in. "Hey," he said.

"Hey," I replied. His eyes looked sad. It actually broke my heart.

"Everyone was wondering how much time we have before our schedules start and basically start living in hell."

"Um," I said, glancing at my planner. "Tomorrow."

D.O nodded. "That's what I thought."

"D.O..." I turned to him, sitting on my chair that could spin. "I wish I could do something."

"You know our last manager was our manager when Kris and Luhan left? We blame her for it."

I exhaled, running a hand through my hair. "I don't want that to happen."

"I don't think she did either. At least, at first."

I looked away. I couldn't imagine being the cause of anyone else leaving Exo.

"SM is a trap," D.O said. "You don't get out without everyone hating you."

"Is there something I could do so you all don't hate me?" I asked.

D.O shook his head. "Especially the Exo-M group. Maybe we'll warm up to you, but don't expect Lay, Tao, Chen, or Xiumin to ever trust you." He walked out, and I exhaled.

I got up, grabbed my purse I'd swing over my head, and walked out of my dorm, and pressed the button to call all of them out into the hallway. A few moments later, doors opened, and all eyes glared at me. "If you don't know already," I said, in my most authoritative, yet nice voice, "this is your last free day. And I want to take you all out to dinner." I paused. "On me."

"Excuse me?" Chen asked. "You're taking us out to dinner?"

"Yeah. Right now. But I'm not familiar with the restaurants. You'll have to tell me what the best one is," I said.

"We can't leave, you know," Chanyeol said. "Rules."

"I don't even think you're technically allowed to do that," Kai said.

"Then we'll sneak out?" I offered. "Come on, you have ten minutes to look like normal Korean people rather than Exo. Go."

They didn't rush going back into their rooms. Ten minutes later, they all came out. "What's your plan?" D.O asked me.

"Good question," I said.

We ended up being able to sneak out late when everyone on staff had either gone home or gone to bed. We found ourselves at some Korean food restaurant, Baekhyun's suggestion. The boys were all talking among themselves in Korean while I just stared at the menu. Finally, I slapped it down. "Can someone just order for me? I'm struggling."

They all stared at me. "Do you know any Korean?" Suho asked. I shook my head. "Why would you come here if you don't know any Korean?"

"What do you want?" Chen asked me.

"I don't know. What's good? Just surprise me."

"If I were you...I wouldn't ask to be surprised. You like squid? Because Sehun over here would have gotten you that for a laugh."

Sehun looked over at the mention of his name. "What?"

"Fine. Just get me some rice, chicken, and a freaking eggroll," I said.

Chen muttered something in Korean, and the guys all laughed. I couldn't help but feel offended and left out. I should have learned Korean, but I was busy getting my degree. I didn't have time to study a new language.

They didn't even argue with paying for themselves. Deep down, I was hoping they would all pay for their meals, but I was still prepared and paid anyway.

We returned to our dorms in the SM building, and they didn't even speak to me. I closed my door behind me and ran my hand through my hair. How was I ever going to get them to like me? How would I ever get Xiumin to stop hating me?

It sucked because I understood why they hated me. They had every right to hate me.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a quiet knock on my door. Hoping it was Xiumin, I opened it.

Instead, it was Baekhyun.

EXO's Manager (EXO Xiumin fanfic) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now