10 // "Have I altered your bias list yet?"

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"He knows," I said for about the 20th time on the way to Kim J's office. "I'm so fired."

"Just shut up," Xiumin said. "You were going to get fired eventually."

I knocked before entering Kim J's office. "Sit. Both of you."

We obeyed.

"Care to explain what these are?" He showed us pictures of us in public, then when we were on the bridge. By his voice, I could tell he was really mad.

"I'm sorry," Xiumin spoke up immediately. I looked at him. "I asked her out. And... I'm seriously in love with her."

My eyes widened when he said that.

"Amelia, you know this isn't allowed," Kim J said to me.

"I know," I said. "I didn't think it would turn to that."

Xiumin glared at me. Oh man. I said the wrong thing. And the last thing I wanted was for Xiumin to hate me, even though he already did.

"I mean..." I said, looking at Xiumin. "Since I'm a fan, you know I have a bias. Since Xiumin is my bias, when he showed interest in me...I just forgot I was his manager."

Xiumin slightly nodded at me in approval.

Kim J exhaled sharply. "Xiumin, this looks bad. Especially because of her....background."

"Background?" I interrupted. "Just say I'm white. I get it."

Kim J shook his head. "You won't receive as many lines as you were going to get."

"What?!" Xiumin exclaimed. "I promise you, I'm not forgetful! I don't know why she said that!"

"It's not that. You're not popular right now so we'll give your potential lines to Chen, who doesn't kiss managers." Kim J glared at me.

"You...you can't do that!" Xiumin exhaled.

"I can't have everyone thinking that it's okay. It's not okay. You want to continue having this little fling, Sehun will end up having more lines than you."

Xiumin opened his mouth to speak, but Kim J held up his hand to silence him. "That's enough. I've made up my mind. You both can leave now."

"You're not going to fire her?" Xiumin demanded.

Kim J made a face. "No. I'm not. And you know why, Xiumin? It's because I know you're not 'in love' with her. I'm not stupid. I know you're all trying to get her fired. That's the only reason she still works here - as your punishment." Kim J motioned for us to leave, and we did.

I started to actually feel bad as I walked in silence with Xiumin. "I'm sorry."

Xiumin looked at me as he walked. "No you're not."

"I'm not playing this game," I said, and stopped walking. Xiumin did too and stood across the hall from me. "I regret what I said this morning."

Xiumin just glared at me, and I could tell he still didn't believe me.

"Listen, this morning I was hurt. I don't care that you hate me, you don't mess with my feelings like that. You should have known that pictures would have been leaked to the public. So why did you kiss me?"

"Are you saying I actually felt something for you and that's why I kissed you? No. I kissed you because Kai told me to."

"Because Kai told you to? What, is he your mom?" I asked.

"I didn't think it was possible to hate you any more, but I was wrong," Xiumin said. "Have I altered your bias list yet? Maybe you can go tell Kai so someone else can make out with you while you ruin their career."

"Oh my gosh!" My hands went to my head and I pulled at my hair. "You're the one who took me to that stupid bridge and kissed me. Okay? You didn't have to do that, and you should have known that would get out."

"You keep bringing this up. I don't know why you do, because I feel nothing but hatred towards you."

I shook my head, backing away to walk away. "And for the record, you will always be my ultimate bias. I don't care how horrible of a person you are." I walked back towards Kim J's office.

I knocked and opened the door. "Please, hear me out."

Kim J folded his hands and looked at me. "I was expecting you."


"Just go on. You're wasting my time."

"Last night Xiumin took me out to a restaurant. I didn't think much of it, it seemed very professional. And then he kissed me. He just got caught up in Kai's plans to get me fired. I heard them talking about it and then lied to you about Xiumin. Xiumin is doing pretty well quite actually and I think he deserves more lines for this comeback."

Kim J exhaled. "He did wrong, now he he suffers the consequences. Thank you for the honesty. Time for you to go."

I got up and left, and walked back to the dorms, mine in particular. I closed the door behind me and buried my hands in my face and let the tears roll. It hurt that Xiumin hated me, no matter how hard I tried.

I was embarrassed that I believed he would actually like me. There was a soft knock on the door. I ignored it, pretending I wasn't in the room, but the door knob turned and someone proceeded to walk in. "Amelia?" D.O asked, peaking through. "Can I come in?"

EXO's Manager (EXO Xiumin fanfic) (COMPLETED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin