1 // the beginning

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After two years of going to university, I had turned 21 and was ready to start my career. While living in the middle of the Midwest in the United States, I applied for a job at SM Entertainment as well as several other jobs around the world. I applied for fun, fantasizing about being able to see my favorite kpop band EXO.

But they hired me. 

I packed up, said goodbye to my family, and flew on over to South Korea. I was so excited. Thanks to the Google Maps I was able to find the SM building, and I walked up to the front desk. "Hi, I'm Amelia Lawson, I'm one of the new managers," I told the lady at the desk.

The lady looked at me, and then looked at me a long time, smiling. But the smile looked like a painful smile. It was slightly alarming.

I smiled back, only because I felt like I had to. "Is it a problem I don't speak Korean? I really tried. But I got the job.. So now..uh"

"Everyone at SM Entertainment knows English, and most of them can speak it. Some better than others. It's not a problem," she said. "Amelia Lawson? You need to go to level 2, room 15."

"Okay. Thank you!" I exclaimed, going straight to the stairs. When I found room 15, I found the door open a crack. I knocked on it. "Hi, I'm Amelia Lawson? I was sent here by the front desk."

"Oh, Amelia Lawson!" The dude exclaimed. "Welcome to South Korea. I am the manager of all managers. I'm your boss. Everything you do has to be approved by me. Before you schedule events, appointments, you have to run them by me. In a month or two, you will not have to run them by me. It'll be much more independent.""

I nodded. "Okay. Sounds good."


"I'm sorry, who am I the manager of?" I asked. Since I was new, I figured the trainees. Hopefully that NCT group that was rumored. Although being 21, I might be older than a lot of the members.


EXO's Manager (EXO Xiumin fanfic) (COMPLETED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin