Chapter 23

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I woke up to the sound of some rattling.

"Huh what hmm" I said as I rubbed my eyes.

"Oh sorry babe did I wake you?" Neymar asked with a sheepish smile.

My heart felt all warm and fuzzy when he called me "babe". It al felt so surreal.

"No, no it's fine I've been awake since like, pshh that doesn't matter, how are you feeling?" I asked.

"Ohh Kay" he laughed " I'm feeling great now that I have you here with me" he winked.

"Stop Neymar" I laughed.

"Stop what?" He acted innocent.

"You know what" I giggled.

"Shit" I said as I remembered I had to be back in Barcelona today.

"What happened?" Neymar asked with concern.

"Marc told me he wanted me back in Barcelona by 9 am today" I groaned.

"Ohh" Neymar said.

"Let me call him" I said as I picked up my phone from the counter.

"Okay" he answered .

I dialed Marc's phone number and waited for him to answer. Not even 10 seconds after I dialed he answered.

"KATE ARE YOU OKAY? WHERE ARE YOU? DID THEY KIDNAP YOU? OH MY GOSH KATE?!?" Marc bombarded me with questions.

"Bro chill, chill" I said through the phone.

"Why aren't you here?" He asked, anger and concern tangled in his words.

"Well" I paused and took a deep breath. "You see, I was at the wrong building so I had to cross he street, as I was crossing, and a car was coming at me at full speed and Neymar pushed me out of the way and the car hit him" I explained.

"Whoa whoa what?!? You were nearly killed? How is Neymar?" He asked.

"I'm okay, just a few bruises here and there but the one that got really injured was Neymar, he broke his arm along with a rib" I sighed through the phone.

"Oh my god" Marc gasped." When will you be back?" He asked .

"I'm not sure when the doctors will let us go, but I will let yo-" I was cut off by a knock.

"Hello hello coming in" James walked into the room.

"Is that James?" Marc asked.

"Uhhmm I gotta go bye" I said and ended the call.

"Are you okay?" James asked me.

"I'm perfectly fine thank you" I said as I dodged the hug he was going to give me and went to sit next to Neymar.

"Kate whats wrong?" James asked.

"You, please leave" I answered.

"But Kate ple-" Neymar cut off James.

"She-I mean we don't want you here, so please leave the room" Neymar hissed.

Ohh I like that sassyness.  Of course it's a word what are you talking about....

"I'm not here for you" James glared at Neymar "I'm here for Kate so shut up because no one was talking to you" James continued.

"Well now whatever you have to say to me you have to say to both of us, got it?" I hissed back.

James's eyes widened "what-what do you mean?" His lips trembled.

"I mean that whatever is my business is his business" I said.

"and my business is her business" Neymar continued.

"Are-are you and him together now?" James asked .

I nodded proudly "yes we are". And connected my hand with his smiling down at him.

"Okay" James nodded quietly and exited the room.

"Fuck" Neymar groaned.

"Oh I'm sorry did I hurt you I'm so sorry" I apologized and hopped off the bed.

"No, no you didn't hurt me babe, it's just that I have to go to Brazil to pick up Davi on Monday, I'll just call my mom and let her know" Neymar said and I handed him his phone. He dialed her number and waited for her to answer.

I went to sit on the little couch in the room and unlocked my phone. It was blowing up with Twitter notifications. And of course they were about the accident.

I wanted to tweet out what happened but I didn't think Neymar was ready.

*Neymar's P.O.V*

"Ola Mãe?" I said into the phone.

"Neymar! How are you honey?" My mom asked.

"Well that's why I'm calling" I chuckled nervously.

"Are you alright?" She said.

"Well, my arm is broken.....along with my rib" I sighed.

"OH MY GOSH HONEY!! Are you okay?!? Where are you?" She started asking all of these questions at once.

"Mom,mom I'm alright okay" I chuckled.

"Oh dear you scared the living daylights out of me" my mother sighed.

" I just won't be able to pick up Davi" I sighed.

"Oh that's alright I have no problem with him here!" My mother gushed.

"That's great" I smiled.

"Uhm Neymar..." My mother trailed off.

"Yea?" I answered.

"Bruna came by earlier today and asked when you were coming" she mumbled.

My heart sank to the pit of my stomach and my breath hitched in my throat.


What am I going to tell Kate?

What am I going to do?

Oh god.


Soooo here is the update!

Hope you guys liked it!

Sorry for the slow updates I have been really busy these past few weeks and I crony really have time to write. But I manage to find some time to update for you guys!!

What do you think is going to happen next?

I love you guys so much!!

What did you guys get in Black Friday??
If you guys know what Black Friday is...


There's discounts everywhere and somethings are actually free....but rarely.

Sooo I just got a phone case😂


Bye loves!❤️

The One...  ( A Neymar Jr Fanfiction)*ON HOLD*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن