Chapter 16

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James p.o.v

"Don't let him see this bro"
"It's gonna Make things worse"
"He's gonna find out sooner or later"
"Better later than sooner stupid"

Is what I heard. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I got out of bed and walked out of my room and downstairs. I walked to the living room and found cristiano,Marcelo, and iker all gathered around my tv.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

They all turned around and blocked the tv with wide eyes and yelled "NOTHING" in unison.

"Can I see what's on tv?" I said and slowly walked towards them.

"No you can not" cristiano said and I looked at the remote.

"Why not?" I asked and slowly walked In the direction of the remote.

I dived for the remote at the same time as Marcelo dived for it too screaming "BECAUSE I SAID SO!!"

I took the remote out of marcelo's grasp and turned the volume up.

"Kate bartra has been spotted with some of the FC Barcelona players sight seeing today, After her release from the hospital on Thursday, seems like there's love in the air folks! That's right, if you take a look at these images that our sources have found,"

then some pictures of Kate and Neymar appeared on the screen. My heart broke into smaller pieces if that is even possible. Neymar's arm was around Kates waist as he whispered something in her ear. Kate was pointing at something and grinning widely.

" Kate and Barcelonas star, Neymar jr, are pretty close! But may I ask, what happened to the power couple? Kate bartra and James Rodriguez? We'll keep you updated! So stay tuned"

Is what the reporter said before iker took the remote from my hands and turned the tv off.

A tear streamed down my face as anger ran threw my vains. I punched the closest wall to me and screamed.

"Calm down James" cristiano said and put his hand on my shoulder.

"How do you want me to calm down when the love of my life is slowly slipping away from me!!" I shouted and walked to my room .

*2 hours later*

"James you have to come out now" Sergio knocked on my door.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted.

"James cmon come to the club with us! You gotta have some fun you can't stay locked up forever" Sergio 

I thought for a moment.

"Fine"I said and got up from the corner.

I grabbed a black button up shirt and some white pants. I grabbed my black dressing shoes and ran some gel threw my hair. I splashed some cold water on my face and walked towards my drawer.

I took the box that contained the watch that Kate gave to me for my birthday. The day I lost her.

I slowly, and carefully took the ribbon off the box and placed it on my dresser. I took the watch out and smiled.

She knew exactly which one I wanted. I put the watch on and sprayed some random cologne I found.

I grabbed my phone and walked out of my room.

The One...  ( A Neymar Jr Fanfiction)*ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now