Chapter 16

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That's it, only three more days until Friday.

I wake up with my head high thinking about seeing Brendon. I get ready and start walking to school without any bad thoughts coming to mind.

There's a science test.

Never mind.

"Hey, did you study for that science test?" I ask Brendon as we walk to school.


"Me neither."

"Ha, I did bitches!" Spencer brags. I roll my eyes.

When we reach school, Spencer parts with us and walks to our other friends. Brendon pulls me aside.

"Listen, I talked to my mom." My stomach plummets at those very words.

"She's okay." He nods with a swallow, his voice throaty with tears. I sigh.

"Come on." I pull him into the bathroom and give him a warm hug. He keeps me warm in the biting cold. My hands tuck into my jacket sleeves. I feel him exhale on my shoulder, making my stomach drop even more.

"Bren, I'm sorry she had to find out this way."

"It's okay," he sniffles his sadness, "I just wish I could have told her in a natural way, when the time is right."

"But she's okay, right? At least she's okay."

"She's okay. She says she just wants me to be happy. But she's been a little distant for a while." He sighs on my shoulder.

"She'll warm up to it, it just takes a while." I say warmly.

"She likes you, though." He says through a laugh and a sniffle.

"Bren, please don't cry."

"I'm just tired, you know? I-I want to be with you. Be there for you, like you are for me. Laugh with you." He exhales. My heart flutters and I grab him tighter. He loosens up and his shiny brown eyes look up at mine.

"Kiss you." He says almost under his breath. He moves closer and closer, his breath on mine. I move and our lips touch only for a brief moment, but it was one of the most passionate kisses I've ever had. He nestles his head in the crook of my neck.

"You know what?" He mumbles.

"What?" I hum.

"I think you might ruin me."

~A/N: Really short, but on purpose. I don't know how I could possibly add on to this little part without ruining it, so I'm just going to continue on the next chapter. BUT GUYS I LOVED WRITING THIS PART TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK PLEASE.

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