Insane Jerome X Neko!Bi-Polar!Reader

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Requested by Intoxicated_Seto

Y/n's P.o.V

You were in your house making some food. You smiled as you finished making the food and set it down on your table and sat down and started to eat it. Your (f/c) ears stood up on your head as your (f/c) tail swung back and forth behind you. You heard your front door open and you hissed and grabbed a ball of yarn (.......not even gonna) and slowly walked over. 

You walked over and saw someone who wore a black suit and tie with dress pants as well and he had chocolate brown hair and dark brown eyes. But what ticked you off was sure he ha some red splatters on his suit but you saw he was tracking mud in your house. You growled and jumped out throwing the ball of yarn at him.

You looked at him seeing him unfazed and you gulped and said "oh crap..... Well! Nice meeting you i'm y/n!!" and he looked at you really confused. You held your hand out for him to shake it. He then hesitantly shook your hand as you smiled at him your tail still swinging back and forth. 

You stretched and stepped back "nice suit!" you exclaimed and walked into your living room and sat down putting on some tv. You saw him walk in and you jumped up anger in your eyes and he stepped back. "Take off your muddy shoes please!" you yelled and he complied and set them down and walked back over and you smiled and sat down next to him. 

"So whats your name?" you asked the stranger. He looked at you still really confused and said "Im Jerome..." and you nodded. You smiled and yawned. You leaned on the arm rest part of the couch as you heard him chuckle and you rolled your eyes at him. Stretching you then proceeded to fall asleep. (nice falling asleep with a stranger next to you who has red splatters on his suit....WHAT COULD GO WRONG!) 

You groaned as you woke up facing a chest and you looked up seeing Jerome's face as he was asleep. You then realized he was holding you which made you blush more and you snuggled close to his warm chest. You yawned again and squeaked as his gripped tightened. 

You sighed and fell asleep close to him. But as you fell asleep you were already asleep once a dark laughter was heard around the room.


There! Updated people! Oh and cheack out my new Anime X Reader book!

Im Color and Im Sick At Home >~<

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