We climbed in but then realized we had no fair.Ugh.

"Just go."The driver smiled and nodded.

"Thanks"I replied then walked down the aisle with Carter behind me.

There was nobody in the bus but us.(I swear I stay spitting them #bars)

We were seated all the way in the back.God,I felt so tired.I wonder how long this ride will take.I looked over at Carter.He was so silent.So deep in thought.I wonder what's up.

"You okay,Carter?"I asked.

He remained silent.How is he gonna pull a me on me?

"Carter...what's going on? "

I felt him pull me close and give me a hug.One of those tight bear hugs. This guy sure knows how to embrace a girl.

"Im gonna lose this...this connection we have.Aren't I?"

I shook my head."Of course not.Carter, I still wanna see you.So much that if you don't see me I will hunt you down."I grinned and gave Carter a kiss on the cheek.

He stiffened next to me.I looked up at his face and saw it turning red.Carter is so adorable.

"You promise?"He asked in a tiny voice.

"Yeah sweetie I promise."I replied ruffling his hair.That was weird.OK then.

Carter chuckled.

"Sweetie is what my mom used to call me."

I frowned.I didn't mean to.

"Sorry"I whispered.

"No! No.Its not a bad thing.It's good."He smiled.I smiled.Now we were both smiling like idiots.

"I um...I'm gonna miss you a lot.Once I get back into my normal routine Im gonna have tons of catching up to do in school. I don't even know what my excuse is for not being there to be honest."

I laughed.

"Just say you had a serious illness. "I shrugged.

Carter rolled his eyes."Of course.Cause you just love getting sick."

I raised my eyebrows.Carter blushed.

"Ooh I made you blush again."I grinned.

Carter turned away from me smiling.

I went close to him so I could see his face but his back was turned to me.

"Carterrrr...my little blushing boy...where are you?"I laughed at my stupidity.

And then literally out of nowhere he started tickling me.

"Carter!Stop!I can't take this!"I said in between my giggles.Somehow I found myself on his lap having a mini heart attack.

I kept laughing and laughing.Loud too I must add.Carter stopped and grabbed me from my waist kissing me neck.

"Get off sexy.No pretty ladies on my lap."He smirked.

I sat back in my seat."Some friend you are."

"Who said I was your friend,black girl".

My mouth opened in shock.


"Dont attack me please!"Carter yelled,laughing seeing my hands in fist ready to pounce.

"It was a joke ma'am.Sorry.I hope I didn't offend you too much.If it helps I think you being black makes you so much better.For me."He grinned,winking.I rolled my eyes.I will kill him I will.

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