It's Complicated: 28

Start from the beginning

I must have drifted off at some point because the bang of the heavy door hitting the wall scares me awake. On instinct, I jump to my feet and get into a defensive position by the wall. Again, I forgot I'm injured, and have to hold my side at it begins to burn.

"I see the sleeping beauty if finally awake." A man strides into the already too small room with a wry smile. He's easily stands over six feet and has short, cropped black hair. Wearing black cargo pants with a weapons belt around his waist and a black muscle shirt with a gun holster wrapped around his broad chest, he gives off a dangerous 'don't-mess-with-me' kind of vibe. Kind of reminds me of Asher's best fighter, but that is a different story for another time.

"Glad to know you thinkg I'm pretty." I retort, covering up how much he unnerves me. His dark eyes shine with amusement for a moment before he turns to say something to someone behind him. If it were anyone else, I would have attacked him, but I have this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach that's making me stay where I am.

"So princess, how are you feeling this fine afternoon?" To respond, I pull my lips back from my teeth and allow a growl to bubble up from my throat. He lifts an eyebrow and shakes his head. "You're about as scary as a kitty cat." I feel my eyes flash, but I stay rooted in place. I don't take too kindly to be called a cat, but I can clearly see he's trying to get me riled up. Had my wolf been drug free, it's possible that I would have attacked him, but I don't know for sure.

"Call me whatever you want. I have claws and a brain. Try again another time." The man in front of me laughs once.

"I told you she was smarter than that." A different voice says, sounding smug. A different man comes up behind the first. "Don't worry Tex, I'm sure you'll scare her eventually." He teases, earning a hard shove back out of the room. The first man, Tex, shuts the door with a loud bang and turns back to me.

"Alright, do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?" I raise an eyebrow in question, but don't say anything. "Great, it's been a while since I've had some fun." He cracks his knuckles and takes a step towards me, diminishing the space between us in the little room.

I growl loudly and turn my body so my injured side is furthest from him.

"I dare you to take another step." My words are slightly slurred thanks to my growling, but he understands.

"Or what?" He mocks before closing the rest of the distance between us. I throw my hands up to knock his reaching hands away and then duck under a swing to my face. Righting my body, I see a smile on his face. WTH? "The kitty cat has some fight in her."

He reaches for me again, but doesn't stop once I swat his hands away. He quickly manages to back me up completely against the wall with one of my arms pinned behind my back and the other in his large hand. I curse loudly and strugge to push him off of me, but I can still feel some drugs still in my system making me weaker.

"I expected a lot more from you princess." He teases, stepping a close to me as possible. I attempt to kick him where it hurts guys most, but he catches my knee with his free hand. "No playing dirty." I growl, this time in frustration, and he chuckles.

"Let me go."

"Can't. We have places to go and people to see." In the blink of an eye, he has cuffs around my wrist and is spinning me around to cuff the other. With his focus on my wrists, I use my knee to push myself off the wall. He stumbles back from my sudden movement and falls, regrettably, dragging me down with him. I land on top of him and roll off to the side before he regains his grip.

Rolling to my feet, I silently thank all of the years I played volleyball when I get to my feet without using my hands. Spinning around, I watch Tex quickly get to his feet, but  less graceful than I did.

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