She threw the newspaper across the room and ripped the letter open. It was from Hermione. She opened it and read:

Dear Luna,

I know you must be disappointed right now, I know, Daily Prophet us giving out rubbish, but let's not talk about the negative and move on to the positive. So, Mcgonagall had us War Veterans, to be student teachers! I know isn't that exciting?! Well, I know that I'm over the top crazy excited, but hey, it's exciting! So please come over to the Burrow this Saturday. Be careful, Luna, and stay strong.

PS. Hermione

Luna sighed. She moved over to the kitchen room, and think.
She had been a lot today. She wasn't still over about Rolf cheating, and never loving her. She was miserable.

Luna couldn't stand it anymore. She ran up to her room, and undressed her self. She change into a black back less shirt, and wore a tight mini black skirt, and put on her black glittering heels. She tied her hair messy, and put on make up. She didn't what was she doing, but she knew this was the only way.

And for once again she looked at herself in the mirror and felt confident. She exhaled deeply, and then with a creaking sound she apparated into the streets of London.

The night was wild. Luna went into a bar and decided to grab a drink.

Luna paid for how many shots of liquor, and still she sat there alone in the counter, while other people were wild dancing. The music was loud and crazy, and everyone was just dancing their craze off.

Luna seemed to not bother all of these she just kept drinking and thinking. She was confused, How could Rolf ever do that? Wasn't she enough?

Tears started to spill out of her eyes, down to her cheeks. She ran her fingers through her hair frustratedly.

"Wanna dance Blondie?" A man suddenly came up to her.

Luna's thoughts were disturb, and she said, "No, thanks."

But the guy was forceful. He grab hold of Luna's arm and dragged her closer to him. "What's wrong, Blondie? Break up with your Boyfie?" He taunted.

Luna flinched, "Stop ... Let go of me. I don't want to. Let go of me! Please!" She said loudly, yet the music was so loud that she wasn't heard by the crowd. The guy pull her even more closer, but then Luna heard another man's voice, this one was rather more familiar.

"Let go of her." Draco Malfoy came to the rescue.

The man sneered. "Why, better keep your lady out of sight, Lad ... There are predators, sniffing such prey." The man said, and let go of Luna, and walked away.

Luna's sight was now slightly blurred.

"Luna? What have you done? Why are you here?" Draco asked, but Luna didn't respond. Draco knew she was now getting drunk. So, slowly he guided her outside of the bar. He had her arm on his shoulder, and Draco placed his hand on her waist. Luna was walking wobbly, and Draco wanted to apparate as soon as possible for safety, but then all of a sudden Luna burst out crying, she hugged Draco like she had never hugged him, and cried on his shoulder.

Draco didn't knew what to do but hug her back too. He was sorry for Luna, he was feeling sad, miserable, and broken, seeing her in such condition.

For minutes, they had stood there with Luna crying and Draco comforting.

Until, Draco moved away slowly and looked at Luna's face. He stared at her, mesmerized with her figure, enchanted with every inch of her. The sense of her was the only thing for him.

He couldn't help himself. He leaned in and kissed her softly, but she moved away quickly.

"Thank you." Luna said, "But not today." She said, and she awkwardly walked back.
"We'll get there. I promise you."
And with that she apparated on her own, leaving Draco heartbroken, yet satisfied, for he knew that someday, They would really get there.

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