Chapter 12 - Submission

Start from the beginning

As the boys trained, I helped Korra with her airbending. It was sad that I wasn't able to airbend but helping Korra try to Master it was making me feel better. The team had finally gotten a good slot in the gym which meant that Korra and I didn't have to get up erily early to get here. I've always gotten up at dawn but coming here at that time meant I had to get up earlier to have my morning meditation session. The Radio was on and we all felt so comfortable and happy. 

"Man, I've got a good feeling about tonight. I don't care if we are the underdogs." Korra says in an upbeat tone, she punched at the air and dramatically pretending to be Pro-bending. "We can take those pompous Wolfbats." 

"It's going to be our toughest match ever but I think you're right." Mako says taking off his helmet. I just looked at Korra admiring the boy across from her, I roll my eyes and walk over to Bolin. He smiles at me and lifts up Pabu so that he is in my face. 

"Introducing your new champs, the Fantastic Fire Ferrets!" Bolin announces playfully giving the small creature a voice. I laugh and take the Fire Ferret from him, Padu climbs up and licks my cheek. I blush as Bolin stared at me for a few more seconds, we both look away from each other as the radio goes to static. It changes to a voice I never wanted to hear again, I step away from in and my heart skips a beat as Bolin puts his hand on my shoulder. I glance at him and he offers me a comforting smile as we stare at the radio. 

"Good morning, citizens of Republic City. This is Amon. I hope you all enjoyed last night's pro-bending match because it will be the last." I take another step back as Korra and Mako step towards it, Bolin's grip on my shoulder just got firmer. Pabu climbs down into my arms and I hug him, trying to keep that images of that night out of my head. "It's time for this city to stop worshipping bending athletes as if they were heroes. I am calling on the council to shut down the arena and cancel the finals or else there will be severe consequences."

The static returns and then it goes silent. Bolin steps forward, his hand falling from my shoulder. "That guy has got some nerve." 

"You think the council will give in?" Mako asks Korra and I but I didn't answer my eyes were still locked on the Radio. My mind was replying the events of that night and my chest felt so tight. 

"Nini? Are you coming?" I hear someone ask me, a hand goes on my shoulder again and I turn to see Bolin looking at me concerned. "Hey, are you okay?" 

"Yeah, sorry. Just bad memories, you know." I whisper, he nods and wraps his arm around me as he guides me towards the others.

The ride to city hall was not comfortable, as the smallest I was forced to sit at the very front. My bum did not like the ride and I'm not looking forward the ride back. We enter the hall and all the council member's eyes turned to us, I suddenly felt very bad. I knew better than to interrupt a private council meeting, I did it many times when I was younger but I didn't understand the topics then and now I suffer because of them. My Dad stands up and looks between Korra and I. 

"Nini and Korra, you should not be here. This is a closed meeting." He scolds, the other members look between each other disapprovingly. 

"As the Avatar and a Pro- bending player, I should be heard. You can't cancel the finals." She stated walking towards the council-members. The boys and I follow after her, I kept my head low as my mind changed. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to go against Amon, he has proven that he is a significant threat. 

"I know winning the championship means a lot to you but as far as I'm concerned , we need to shut the arena down." My Dad says, Korra looks at the other members with pleading eyes. This means a lot of the team but if something was to happen a lot of people would be put in danger. 

"There's no way you're backing down from Amon, right?" Korra asks Tarrlok directly. He shakes his head and stands up, Korra's face falls as he gestures to my Dad. 

"Actually, Tenzin and I agree for once." 

"The council is unanimous. We're closing the arena." I let out a quiet sigh as the council members stand up. Mako and Bolin shout protests at them while Korra pleads to Tarrlok. Who was not hearing any of it. 

"While I am still committed to bringing this lunatic to justice. I will no put innocent lives at stake just so you and your friends can play a game." He replies sternly. 

"Probending might only be a game to you but think of what it means to the city!" Mako says, I look at him surprised as he states his case to the councilmembers who had all returned to their seat. "Right now, the arena is one place where benders and non-benders gather together, in peace to watch benders." 

"Beat each other up! In peace! It's an inspiration." Bolin finishes. I chuckle at the logic of Bolin's statement and he casts me a proud smile. 

"I appreciate your naive idealism but you're ignoring the reality of the situation." Dad says, I step forward and a few eyes turn to me. I was never one to speak against my Dad especially in front of his colleagues and though I'm on the fence about what should be done, this means a lot to my friends. 

"Dad, if you close the arena, you are letting Amon win." I say calmly, his eyes soften and he looks around at the council members. "I'm sorry but our decision has been made. This meeting is adjourned." 

I slowly walked out of the council chambers but stopped as Lin walked past me. She smirked at me as she pushed the doors open, if Lin is on board that means it's going to go ahead. 

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