"You know that she'll probably use her super cool ninja skills and jump out the window again." Octavia said as she came up the stairs.

"Octavia you're nineteen stop acting like your five and she isn't going out the window I set up an alarm system that will go off. If I'm not here I expect someone to go and keep her in my room."

"That's what you were doing after she ran off the first time, installing a freak'n security system in your room so she couldn't run away? Talk about obsessive, what is she a prisoner. And Derek you're twenty-two so act like it." My anger was starting to get the best of me but I kept it in not letting it show too much.

"Octavia was there a reason you came up here or are you just being a pain in the ass?" She glared at me along with Ashling. She didn't like cursing in her house and she knew I was Alpha, but even so I was her son first. "Sorry, mom but you know I'm right." She just shook her head and headed down stairs.

"Rune just pulled into the drive way but he's probably just getting to the house now." I heard a car door close and I quickly made it to the front porch. He went to the trunk of his silver Toyota Camry and pulled out large silver chains. I had the other item I needed in my pocket.

"I got what you needed Derek but I don't get why you needed them now. Wait, are you punishing someone from the pack?" I nodded my head slowly with a calm look on my face. Rune didn't suspect anything he even laughed. "What did the poor fool do?" My eyes moved into slits and I tilted my head slightly to the right at his comment.

"He killed a girl's parents and I'm not really sure what else but I will find out." Rune still didn't suspect that I was talking about him or if he did he didn't show it.

"Well if you're going to torture someone you better make them scream. That's when you know it's working and plus I love the sounds of screaming."

"Even if it's your screams you hear?" Rune's face changed to a very serious one and he became very still. He didn't run and even if he did I would catch him before he made it off the property.

"That's a very serious accusation and I suspect you have proof or is the mighty Alpha letting rumors get to him?" I jumped off the porch and walked closer to him.

"Do not question my abilities as Alpha, Rune. I have a witness that has told me it was you."

"What witness and wouldn't the cops have been searching if two people were found dead here?"

"Lauren," That was all I needed to say, Rune's eyes flashed red, his wolf eyes. His hands clenched into fists.

"You are going to trust that girl over your own flesh and blood. She is a lying b..."

"Hold your tongue Rune you will not speak about my mate like that and when I'm done with you there won't be any blood that we share." I slid a needle out of my pocket and injected it into Rune's neck. Wolfs bane was thrusted into his veins causing him to blackout. I grabbed the chains and dragged Rune into the basement. I chained Rune up on the wall and let him dangle there.

With all the anger I had built up inside me, I pulled my hand into a fist and swung hard hitting Rune strait in the jaw. The sound of contact would have made someone with a weak stomach queasy. Blood dripped from Rune's mouth as he slowly lifted his head. I expected him to have a look of pain on his face but instead he was laughing. "What's so funny?"

"Don't you get it, I'm the reason you found your mate. Without me she never would have moved here. You should be thanking me." I slammed my fist into his face causing it to cut the skin of his face. I turned around to a table that had many sharp objects laid across it. I took a small scalpel and it glistened in my hands.

"I'm going to ask you several questions and I want you to answer all of them. First question, what did you do to Lauren's parents?"

"I ripped them apart and when I was done with them you couldn't tell who was who."

"How did Lauren know it was you?"

"She came in the house after I turned back and had dressed. I would have killed her to but I didn't want my new closes getting bloody. I left the house and watched from the distance as the poor girl tried to put her family back together. I can still hear her screams as she came in the door. I have to hand it to her though I thought she would have fainted at all the blood."

"Why did you kill them?" I wished that he would stop answering so I could drag this scalpel across his chest. Rune stayed quiet giving me the chance I needed, I ripped open Rune's shirt and buried the scapula blade in his chest moving it down slowly. He tried to fight the scream but it slipped through his lips. I continued to slice at his skin with the blade and asked him the question again when I had felt satisfied with my work. "Why did you kill them?"

"There was something special about her so I wanted to break her. I couldn't figure out what it was but I could smell it on her. It caused me to almost shift twice. I wanted to see if a traumatic experience would show what it was but it didn't, nothing happened." I placed the scalpel on the table and grabbed a chief's knife. I plunged the knife into his side and twisted it making Rune scream in pain. His screams echoed in the basement and traveled up through the house.

A/N: Sorry for the slow updates but school work is taking up most of my time. I decided to try a chapter in Derek's POV so let me know what you think. Please comment and vote. Hope you enjoy and keep reading.   

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