chapter twenty-four

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last chapter? Yeah ok


The morning after, I was awoken to sweet kisses. My eyes flickered open, instantly meeting bright hazel eyes and pink lips. "Hi baby." Ashton giggled making me smile lazily. Ashton dipped down and kissed my lips softly, before I whispered a good morning. My arms wrapped around Ashton's neck, pulling him down for a kiss again.

We lazily kissed, morning breath and tongue but neither of us cared because it'd been so long.

The last time we kissed we'd been drunk, but the last time we kissed sober was the day we broke up a few years ago. Since then, we'd finished college and we had apartments and jobs and lives and more friends and we were adults.

"So..." Ashton breathed, pulling away.


"What are we?" He questioned.

"Whatever you want, but I technically need to break up with Jake. We weren't really official but I need to tell him." I told Ashton softly, my hand in his hair as our chests were pressed together. "Your hair is longer." I commented.

Ashton smiled, "I know, I need it cut." He shrugged. "Did you and Jake ever have sex?"

"Of course." I shrugged. "We've both had sex with different people since we split, Ash."

"I haven't." Ashton muttered. "I was too afraid they'd realise I'm not like real down there." He whispered. "It was easier with you. Always was."

"Why did we break up then?" I questioned softly.

Aston shrugged, resting his chin on his hands, on my chest. "I realised I was in love with you."

"So you dumped me?"

"I was scared." Ashton whispered. "Scared you'd get fed up with me and leave. I thought telling you I was trans was hard, and that you'd leave but the whole transitioning thing was harder. You were so nice and caring and understanding and I realised you were the one and it scared me so I ignored you that week and you seemed so heartbroken when you asked what was wrong. You said you'd change for me but I didn't want you changing anything about yourself so I lied and said I wasn't in love with you."

I rolled my eyes, "You're a fucking idiot, I was understanding because I'm a normal human being who's nice and I loved you. I still do. You're the one I want to marry, the one I want to grow old with, and have kids and grand kids and to be able to wake up to every morning and make breakfast for you and have Christmas mornings with you and to get in to arguements about stupid things like me leaving the toilet seat up. And I want you. You and you're stupidly pretty face."

I ran my hand across his fringe, pushing it from his eyes.

"I loved Ashley but I fell in love with Ashton."


I think I should leave his here and end it now before I get carried away and add anther thousand chapters

So thank you for reading and have a good night or day and dream of rainbows and Luke and butterflies :)

I love you all a lot xx

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