chapter seven

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luke when he sees ashton


It was Monday and Ashton was scared of his first day back as being out. I held his hand in my car, Cal and Mike in the back seats, waiting patiently. Class was starting soon but if we were late, we were late. We didn't care. Apparently Ashton had talked to the head teacher on Friday about everything, his name was changed on the school systems but he wanted people to call him simply 'Ash'.

"If anyone says shit, we'll beat them up. We're all on the football team and they wouldn't mess with us." Calum said from the backseat. "Like I'll punch whoever says something, right in the head and if they're seriously hurt, I don't give a fuck."

Ashton smiled at that and he turned around and kissed Calum on the forehead, "Such a way with words Calum Hood."

"You're welcome." Cal chuckled.

"Okay, we can go." Ash sighed and we all got out of the car, bags on our backs. "We act like nothing has changed, we go about our day as normal. We have practise after school, so Luke after that you're coming to my house and we're gonna have sex--"

I put my hand over his mouth and he kissed my palm as an apology. "You don't tell people that babe." I moved my hand and grabbed his hand instead and we began our walk to the school doors.

"We probably will though." Ashton smirked. "Sweaty, post football practise sex."

Michael and Calum screwed up their noses and I tugged Ashton in closer to me. I opened the door first, letting Ash go in front of me. We followed and with our hands entwined we walked to Ash's locker.

People stared but Ashton ignored them and instead talked to Calum about the game on Wednesday. I glared at everyone who stared too long and they soon looked away. We got to Ashton's locker and he sorted himself out and I peppered kisses up his neck and a smile was on his face. "If you need to, we can skip whenever you want."

Ashton kissed my lips, "Thanks Luke. I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled.


Ashton physically flinched and cringed at the use of the name and we all looked to where it came from to see Veronica, the bitch of the school, well one of them. She was popular but Ash was too, just the more polite popular kind. Veronica was more love-me-or-get-punched kind of popular. We didn't associate with them but Ash and Veronica had mutual friends.

"Vee, what's up?" Ashton forced a smile on to his face.

"What the fuck did you do with your hair?" She hissed, stopping in front of us with her hand on her hip. "It was so beautiful and long, why did you cut it?"

Ashton shrugged, "Wanted a change."

"Well it looks terrible, you look like a guy." She snapped.

Ashton smiled a little, muttering under his breath, "That's the point." I chuckled and pulled him closer to me, my arm around his waist. "Thanks for that Veronica, you can leave now that you're done insulting me." Ashton smiled at Veronica.

"You're welcome Ashley." Ashton tensed so I kissed his neck softly. "What, you need your gay ass boyfriend to calm you down now?"

"Oh shut the fuck up bitch." Michael sneered moving in front of us, shouting his mouth off at her, while I pulled Ash back and towards the boys bathroom.

Once in the bathrooms, I took him in to a stall and placed my hands on his cheeks, "You okay beautiful?"

He nodded, "Yeah, I don't like people calling me that name."

I nodded, "Your name is Ashton Fletcher Irwin, you and I both know that, no matter what others say--that is your name and you're beautiful. It suits you too, and God, you're so pretty." I kissed his lips. "Make me jealous of your looks."

Ashton blushed, "Shut up." He shoved my chest a little bit I only brought him closer and cuddled him. "Your body is what I want when I have my surgery. You're so pretty, your chest is so nice and kissable and your shoulders are so broad and manly and don't get me started on your legs, Luke."

"If I could, I would give it all to you." I kissed his lips once more. "The bell is about to go, now let's go to class, I'll walk you to maths and then at lunch I'll buy you a smoothie and after practise, I'll take you out anywhere you like because you deserve to be treated like a prince, then if you're good I'll let you do what you like."

"Can I do you?"

"If you want to."

"I really want to."



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