chapter two

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Making love to Ashley was one of the best things in the world. She was all delicate hands and soft moans and lust filled eyes and I loved it. Not just because I got to have sex but because I loved this honey haired girl and honestly if I could put her in a bottle, it's be like trying to bottle up sunshine and rain and storms and snow all in one go.

She gave me these chills that sent goosebumps up and down my arms and made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. She was utterly perfect. I was so in love.

She moaned beneath me and I hid my face in the crook of her next as I whimpered and she squeezed her thighs around my waist and I moaned. "I'm so close baby."

Ashley arched her back and I attached my lips to a part of her exposed chest. She didn't like being fully naked while we did this, she always kept her bra on, or even her shirt. This time she had a big shirt on and it looked good on her. I didn't mind that she didn't like being completely naked, I sometimes kept my shirt on but Ashley loved to feel my abs and it made me smile.

I felt her clench around me before she orgasmed, moaning and I quickly followed after in to the condom before pulling out and hovering above her, seeing her all fucked out and hair messy and face sweaty. She was so pretty. I pressed a kiss to her cheek before rolling over and taking off the condom, throwing it in the bin. I'd had a lot of practise so I wasn't surprised it went in.

Ashley wrapped her arms around my waist and I rolled in to her side and cuddled in to her. Surprisingly, I was the little spoon. Ash liked to cuddle people while I liked to be cuddled and I got to feel her boobs too.

But as I nuzzled in to her she stiffened a little and I looked up at her, "You okay?" I asked quietly and she nodded.

"Yeah, fine. Just worn out." She gave me a toothy smile and kissed my forehead. "Love you Luke."

"Love you too Ash." I mumbled back and she nuzzled her nose against mine. I kissed her mouth softly and she smiled against mine making me giggle a little, hiding my head in her neck. Ash giggled and squirmed, I rolled over on top of her, straddling her.

I rested my hands on her waist and I felt something under her shirt and she seemed to noticed that I had paused, she looked up at me, her eyes widened and she grabbed my wrists. "Luke, let go of me."

I pulled my hands away, "Are you wearing a sports bra under your shirt? We didn't have gym today." I furrowed my brows and I leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "You can talk to me, y'know."

"I know." She mumbled, entwining our hands and I pinned them by her head. "I love you."

I hummed happily, "You too princess." She giggled at my words and I smiled at her blushed cheeks. "You make me so happy."

"You make me happy too." She said and I kissed her nose again. "Stop being cute you fucker." She grumbled. "I'll kick you." She threatened.

"Oh really? I'm sitting o--"

I felt a searing pain in my dick where she'd kneed me and I rolled off of her, groaning. "Fuck." I squeaked out, my voice higher than usual.

Ashley smirked, getting up and picking up her underwear which were some girls boxers and I watched her get changed in to her black jeans, before picking up her bag and jacket. "Don't leave me." I whined, making grabby hands at her.

Ash rolled her eyes and crawled on the bed, "I'll see you at school tomorrow Luke." She kissed my forehead, then in between my brows, nose and lips and chin and I smiled, leaning forward and getting her lips. "Love you."

"Remember, you can talk to me." I whispered against her lips and she breathed deeply before nodding. "Love you." I pecked her lips a few more times and she giggled before leaving my bedroom.

I stared up at the ceiling and laughed to myself before rolling over and grabbing my phone and calling up Calum, who was probably fucking Michael. He answered with a chirpy hello and I smiled, "Dude I'm in love."

I knew Calum was rolling his eyes as usual, "Are you drunk again? Because I'll come pick you up and then I'll hit you." He threatened.

"No I'm just drunk off my girlfriend." I smiled.

"You got laid, okay." Calum said and I heard Michael laugh from the other end. "Congrats, I guess. You two have sex like twice a week so."

"I love her." I whispered, "Like I want to marry her love her and the kind of love where I want her to have my kids and it makes me feel sick but really fucking happy too." I sighed.

"It's called being in love Lucas, we discussed this. I'm the same with Michael." I heard a kissing sound before grimacing. "Shush Mikey." I heard him say before he whimpered. "Yeah I'm going to have to call you back Luke."

I rolled my eyes and put the phone down, rolling over in to my pillow and falling asleep.


The next day at school I hadn't seen Ash like I usually did every morning. I found Michael and Calum though, Michael's neck was covered in hickeys and I high fived him as I had just as many, some on my chest too and my thighs. Ashley liked to show I was hers on the form of hickeys, like she was marking me as her territory.

"Have you seen Ash?" I asked sitting down at our lunch table. "She's not been in any classes and she hasn't called me to say she's sick."

"Maybe she's sick of your dick." Michael said making me glare at him. "What? You have a lot of sex, it's a fact."

"Yeah but I'm worried, she always tells me if she's not coming in and she didn't this morning and I'm freaking out." I huffed, taking my phone and lunch out of my bag. "When I see her I swear to God."

"What? You'll bend her over a table and fuck her?" Michael asked and I threw my apple at him and he grabbed it swiftly, taking a bite.

"No." I huffed. "She'll get no sex." I crossed my arms and lay my head on them, pouting. "Where could she be?"

"Maybe something happened at home this morning or last night and she couldn't say." Calum shrugged, "Don't worry man."

I sighed and nodded. Yeah, she was okay. I'd see her tomorrow.

After school I went over to her house and when the door opened Mrs Irwin answered and she smiled, "Hello Luke."

"Is Ash in? She didn't come to school and I missed her." I frowned.

"No, she had to go out with her dad. They won't be back till after tea time, love." She explained and I nodded, grabbing my bag tighter.

"Okay, can you tell her to call me?" Mrs Irwin nodded and she kissed my cheek before telling me to drive safe. I went back to my car which had Mike and Cal in, making out in the back seat and I got in the drivers seat and sighed.

"Where is she?" Calum asked over Michael's kissing sounds on his neck.

"She went out with her dad somewhere, I don't know." I shrugged, starting the ignition and driving to my house with the two boys.

The next morning I saw Ashley at my locker and she smiled when seeing me. "Where the hell were you? I missed you all day baby." I hugged her tightly and I realised something. Her chest. She was wearing something underneath her shirt again. But I ignored it and kissed her lips softly. "Tell me if you'll be in or not next time, okay? I got worried."

She nodded, "Promise." She kissed me again and I smiled, my arms around her shoulders holding her close to me and hers around my waist. "I missed you too by the way."


I really like how soft Luke is in this bye

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