chapter five

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Ashton's new hair style on the top


When Ashton and I walked in to the hairdressers on the Saturday, I wasn't sure what to expect. I had sat down as he talked to his usual hairdresser. I picked up a magazine and opened it, before waiting.

I knew Ashton wanted a hair cut to seem more boyish, he hated the long hair but he kept it to make it seem like he was a girl at school--it was time to change. But he still could've told me earlier, I wouldn't have minded what gender he wanted to be or what gender he is. I liked both, I like all. I wasn't just bisexual, I was more like an open person. I just liked who I liked, maybe pansexual to put a proper label on it.

When I felt a tap on my shoulder I looked up and I couldn't recognise the person in front of me. "Holy shit." I muttered standing up.

My hand went up to the short honey coloured hair on Ashton's head and he giggled. "You like it?" He asked.

I nodded, "Fuck yeah. It looks great. Short and nice and curly." I smiled. The curls were short around his hair, a little bit of a fringe on his forehead and I just wanted to get my hands tangled in it.

"Thanks, I just need to pay and we can go get lunch." I nodded and Ashton kissed my lips softly before he walked over to the counter. I took my phone out and saw I had a text from Michael.

From: miChAEl
Send us a pic of ash's new hair pls thnx

I rolled my eyes at his wording.

To: miChAEl
we just got it done, wait a bit mike

When it was a no in a text, Michael wouldn't text back. He just didn't see the point.

Ash came back to me and I took his hand in mine, "Are you sure it looks okay?" He asked worried.

I nodded, "Yeah, it's really nice. Honestly." I grinned. I opened the door of the hairdressers and we went down the street. "You look nice today too."

"'m just wearing clothes." He giggled, looking down at his outfit. Some black skinny jeans, a green day shirt, some matching bracelets and his new haircut. It made me happy he was being himself, finally. He could've come to me earlier. I would've been fine with it all.

"You look good." I kissed his cheek and we made our way in to Starbucks. We got two coffees before we headed in to Top Shop.

We walked up the stairs to the boy section, completely ignoring the girls, Ash not even wanting to glance at it. We got to the top and Ash mumbled something about some new boxers. "I want some cute cartoon ones, like yours." He said making me smile. "I always liked the way you dressed Luke."

"Really? I dress like a slob." I chuckled.

"Exactly." Ash smiled, pulling me closer and my hands went to his hips. He had slept over at my house, and I'd requested he'd worn his binder, so that he would feel more at home with everything. I liked the way he looked in it too. He looked cute. But he wouldn't change in front of me like the way he use to before he came out.

"I love you, y'know." I smiled.

Ash grinned, "Good. When I told you, I didn't know how's you'd react , I thought you were gonna hate me. I love you and I wanted to be with you and I knew you were bi so I knew you'd at least maybe still want me. You don't understand how happy you make me, Luke. The days I had my period, and I wanted to just end it because I couldn't stop it, you would be there and you'd kiss me and tell me it was okay. I cried because of my gender and you didn't know that but you still made me smile with your stupid jokes."

I simply smiled and took his cheeks in mine and pressed my lips to Ashton's and he giggled, holding my wrists as we kissed at the back of Top Shop. "As a treat I'm gonna buy you anything you want, but only something I can afford." I told him and Ashton nodded.

"Thank you baby."

Ashton ⇝ Lashton ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin