chapter sixteen

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Luke's a cutie


Ashton woke up a few hours after his surgery, he was sleepy and aching but he was given some medication for the pain.

I sat in his room, by the end of his bed, reading my book as I waited for him to come through. His mum had just left to go pick up his siblings from their grandparents so they could visit Ashton.

So I was alone when he woke up.

"Luke?" He whispered, which caught my attention. I put my bookmark in, before putting it down and going to Ashton. I stood by him, taking his hand in mine. "Hi."

"You okay baby?" I asked, glancing at his chest, "You look so flat." I smiled, my hand going to his gown and tracing my finger across it. I didn't want to press down and hurt him, he'd be in pain for a little while.

"I'm good." He mumbled, his eyes fluttering slightly. "'M happy."

"Good." I leant down and planted a kiss on to his lips. "When it doesn't hurt and the scars aren't as bad, you'll be able to look in a mirror and you'll be so proud of it." I pulled a chair to his side and sat down.

"Yeah, and I'll take my shirt off for you too." He lazily smiled. "Where is everyone?"

"Your mum went to get your siblings and Mike and Cal are napping in the waiting room." I shrugged. "It was a long surgery."

"Hm I know." He mumbled, lifting his hand up and scratching his forehead. "I need a drink."

I stood up and got him a cup of water, giving it him as he moved his bed so he could sit up. He gulped it down, handing it back when it was empty. I put it on the table, grabbing his hand again.

"You look so good like this." I admitted, "You're all dopey from the drugs and sleepy and you look happy." I said, running my hand through his hair, pushing his fringe back.

"Because I'm happy as fuck." He yawned then.

"Go sleep baby, you'll be better later." I cooed.

"Cuddle me." He whined, moving over in his bed slightly. I stood up and lay next to him, kicking off my shoes. I wrapped my arms around him as he did the same. "I can't wait to get a dick, I'm gonna fuck you so hard Lukey."

And that was the last thing he said before he fell asleep.


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