chapter eight

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yo guys


Ashton and I stood out side of the changing rooms at the end of the day. We had to go to change for football but Ashton was having a mental crisis.

"Just come in with me." I told him, taking his hand. "Or go to the toilets."

"But coach will--"

"He knows now. The principle talked to every teacher about you, so they know." I assured him. "Cmon trust me, just come in to my changing rooms." I smiled, and kissed his cheek softly. "Remember, sweaty post football sex." I teased.

Ashton hummed and I grinned. "Yeah."


"Fuck yes." Ashton giggled and I tugged him towards the boys changing rooms.

Instantly everyone turned to look.

"Why she here?" Someone asked at the back of the changing rooms and I noticed it to be Jerry.

"Ash is changing here from now on." I simply said and pulled Ashton to the spare locker next to me. "Get changed baby."

Ashton put his stuff down as everyone got changed and he slowly pulled his shirt off and I saw the binder as I pulled my jeans off and got out my shorts. Ashton paused, "I-I don't know if I can do it." He whimpered.

I grabbed his hand again before he could run off and I grabbed his cheeks. "Just slip your shirt on, put on your shorts over your boxers. Get your socks on then your shoes and were one step closer to sweaty football sex, yeah?"

Ashton took in a deep breath and kissed me softly. "Yeah."

Ashton let me go and put on his jersey and shorts. I got changed, and slipped on my boots. We headed outside meeting the girls and some were confused when seeing Ashton with us. I rolled my eyes and pulled Ashton to my side and kissed his cheek softly.

"Ignore everyone okay? Just focus on your football." Ashton nodded and nuzzled in to my neck as coach began to tell everyone the plan for practise.


We were playing a small split game of football when Ashton was shoved to the floor. I had been playing defence, Ashton on the other team so I got to tackle him and tease him before I let him get the ball off of me. "You totally let him do that!" Calum yelled.

"Oh shit, did I?" I laughed. I was talking to Calum so I didn't see what happened.

I heard a strangled cry and I turned around to see Ashton lying on the floor and clutching his arm before seeing the person above him. It was Jerry.

People surrounded Ash as I stormed over to them and shoved Jerry away from Ashton. "The fuck you do to him, fucktard?" I yelled, my jaw clenched.

"Freak thinks she's a boy!"

"He is a boy!" I yelled, pushing him to the ground.

People were staring and coach was too surprised to even stop me.

"Ashton is a boy! He can be a boy! He's more a man than you, you prick!" I spat and Jerry scrambled to his feet and pushed me but I grabbed his arms and threw him to the floor again. "Do you understand how difficult it is for him!? To see his body and hate it? You see yours and probably don't give a shit that you have a dick but he wishes he had one! So shut the fuck up before I beat the shit out of you!"

I breathed heavily before I turned around and went over to Ashton. I kneeled by his side, "Cmon baby, let's get you home yeah?" I said gently, calmer.

Ashton nodded and I picked him up. Calum and Michael followed me off the pitch as I walked past coach and nodded. "I'm not playing till Jerry is off the team."

"Neither are we." Michael said following us. We got to the changing rooms and I helped Ashton change his shirt with his hurt arm.

"I guess no sweaty post football sex?" Ashton questioned.

"Not today, baby."


i keep deleting what was here because it's vv past tense rip

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