chapter four

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at this point I had a comment where someone was like no you're wrong this isn't how trans people are and I'm like,,,,it's a different experience for everyone and Ashton's way was to not tell anyone until he could trust them fully


When Ash and I told Michael and Calum, they understood right at that moment, the instant the words transgender was spilled, Calum leaped up and hugged Ash, making him giggle. "You're an adorable boy." Calum kissed over his face. "You cutie."

"Hey, he's my boyfriend." I tugged on his shirt and he went back over to Michael, sitting on his lap. "Mine." I pulled Ash into my lap and he nuzzled in to my neck smiling.

"Are you going to like, go on T?" Michael asked quietly.

Ash shrugged, "I've discussed it with my parents so possibly yes." He shrugged and I kissed his forehead. "I hope I can, and one day I want surgery."

The two boys nodded and I held Ashton close to me. "I hope you do babyboy."

If felt easy to call Ashley by her boy name and by her preferred pronouns. I wasn't sure why it was so easy but it was, maybe because I had an experience with guys but I didn't know. I hadn't slipped up just yet either.

"Love you." He whispered and I smiled.

"Love you too princes."

He pouted, "Don't call me that."

"Cal falls Mike kitten and besides boys can be called princess too, not just girls." I told him and kissed his button nose. "It's okay if you don't want me to though, I can stick with babe."

He shook his head, "No, you can call me it, you have been for months." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"How come you took so long to tell us?" Calum asked and we looked at him.

"Because I was nervous and scared about how you'd react, to be honest I thought Luke would've dumped me by now. And I was kind of ashamed, it was hard enough to tell my parents and sibling and everyone about it, never mind you guys." I took his hand again and he squeezed it softly. "It's hard having to tell the people you love that you hate your body."

Michael then furrowed his brows, "If you hate all that--" he gestured to his junk and I rolled my eyes, "--how come you let Luke go down there?"

Ash bit his lip and looked to him, I wanted an answer too. "Because when I'm with Luke I forget sometimes, I just feel like me. I'm just myself with Luke and he always pleasured me when he did that and I think I just snapped last time it was because I was thinking about it too much. Luke just makes me happy."

His words made my heart flutter and Calum and Michael awed and Ashton turned to me, a smile tugging at his lips. "I like your mouth on me sometimes, not all the times but I do. And besides we're together, I want to have sex with you and you like pleasuring me, simple as, so I'm gonna let you. I never faked an orgasm either, Luke." He pecked my lips again.

The door opened and there stood Mrs Irwin and she smiled at us, "You boys okay? I made some drinks and hot dog down stairs and I ordered some pizza and it should be coming soon." She turned to Ashton, "Your dad and I are taking Lauren and Harry out for a while so you can have some time alone."

Ashton nodded, "Thanks mum."

"Sure thing honey." She smiled and left the room.

"I love your mum." Michael said, "Sorry Cal but I'm leaving you for Anne. She buys me pizza and makes me hot dogs." We all laughed at him and even though Ashton laughed like an adorable little girl I didn't care because he wasn't Ashley, he was Ashton. And that wouldn't change anything.



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