Chapter 1 (An Unchosen Meeting)

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Jacob's Point of View

Wow, what a beautiful day it turned out to be after all that rain. I mean it was raining for like a week with no breaks or ending in sight. My friends and I finally got to go out and play some soccer without getting muddy or wet, which got me in trouble with my mom every time I did. I'm a 5'9" guy with short dirty blond hair and a well built body, if I do say so myself, which is why my mom says it doesn't look good for me to get as dirty as I do. I was walking down the street going home and I was about to take a drink from my water bottle when I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you there!" I said, I really did feel sorry. I turned around about to help the person up seeing as how I was taller than them and knocked them down. As I did I saw who I had ran into, a boy who looks about my age but had a hood on so I couldn't really get a good look at his face. He kept avoiding my gaze and almost seemed ready to run, seeing as how tense he looked. I put out my hand to help him up but he ignored it and got himself up.

"No it's my fault I should have been looking where I was going" said the stranger. He was still looking down and shaking a little bit. "Hey are you ok?" I asked. He replied sort of quick and rude with " Yeah why wouldn't I be?" "Well you're shaking and not looking at me and I though that maybe I hurt you worse than I thought." I don't like hurting people if I can help it which is why I was so worried I hurt him.

"No you didn't hurt me, I've been hurt worse than that before.... a lot" he said. WHAT!!!! He whispered the last part so low that I almost didn't hear it. What did he mean he gets beaten up a lot and badly by the sounds of it!? Before I could ask him what he meant by that he was turning around to leave.

I reached for his shoulder and was greeted by a rough shove by him. "What do you want, I have nothing to give you so let me leave before either one of us gets hurt or in trouble!" he yelled at me. I just stared at him with fear and confusion and from what I could see of his face he was feeling the same things but obviously for different reasons.

Then, out of the blue I hear two guys, both adults and well built, coming down the street towards us. When I looked back at the stranger he wasn't moving, almost like he was too scared too.Why would he be scared of some random people?

One of the guys then yelled "Hey kid what you doin' talkin' to that freak?" I looked at him and saw that he was talking to me! "Who are you talking about?" I asked. "Who else other than this freak of nature right here" he said as he pointed to the stranger. I looked at the guy and then the strange kid with a puzzling look.

The other guy saw my confusion so he said "Look at what is hangin' around his neck and then you'll understand" with a small chuckle. Right after he did that the boy tried to make a break for it but both of the guys caught him before he could and shoved down his hood even though he was protesting. Normally I would never let people bully other people but my curiosity was getting the better of me. This was one instance when I'm glad that it did because what I saw after the hood was down made me want them to beat up this kid, and I never want that normally. The only reason I wanted it this time was because around his neck was...... 

Stanger's Point of View

Finally the rain stopped!!! It's about bloody time! Everyday I get soaked 'cause the rain wont stop even for a minute! Well I finally gave those guys the slip but in the process completely got lost. I don't even know where I am! I'm in a neighborhood by the looks of all these houses so I better get to the city so I can find a place to sleep, in peace, for a couple of minutes. I pull my hood up and start walking while looking down and thinking of how horrible my life is.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't even see the guy before a crashed into him. The guy must be taller than me and well-built because that was like running into a wall, a wall that caused me to fall back and hit my head on the concrete! "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you there!" said the guy with genuine concern, not used to that.

"No it's my fault I should have been looking where I was going" I replied. I kept my gaze from him cause I know and feel that he is trying to make eye contact and I don't want him figuring out who I am for as long as possible. Next thing you know he's going to try and help me up, haha yeah right  like anyone would do that for me. I then see a hand coming towards me and I tense up thinking he found out and is going to beat me just like those other guys, but no it just stays in place. I don't dare touch him for his sake and mine so I just get up on my own.

I couldn't stop shaking and relax with this complete stranger staring at me like he already knows I'm a freak. He then says something that catches me completely off guard "Hey are you ok?" I can't let him know that I'm scared so I say "Yeah why wouldn't I be?" a little too fast and put some sharpness behind it so that he'll get the hint that I do NOT want to talk. He obviously didn't hear my tone because he continued talking! "Well you're shaking and not looking at me and I thought that maybe I hurt you worse than I thought" he said, with feelings behind those words!

"No you didn't hurt me, I've been hurt worse than that before....a lot." Shit, why did I let that slip out? I whispered it but I could tell he still heard it because he got a shocked look on his face and was about to say something. Before he could I turned around and began to walk away but then I felt a hand on my shoulder and panicked. It was a blur but I managed to shove the larger boy off me and then I let out what was on my mind without thinking of the consequences. "What do you want, I have nothing to give you so let me leave before either of us gets hurt or in trouble" I yelled. It took a minute for what I said to really sink in and when it did I was scared and confused by why this guy hasn't left yet seeing as how he had the same expression as me.

Then, of course to make matters better, I see the two guys that have been following me for days coming down the street towards us. I can't move, my body wont listen to me because I'm too scared! The guy I was talking to also saw them and then looked back at me only to see me in a weak position. "Hey kid what you doin' talkin' to that freak?" said one of the men which made me feel even worse about myself, even though it was true. The guy looked confused and asked him "Who are you talking about?" Really is this guy that dense? The other man then strutted over here saying "Who else other than this freak of nature right here" and pointed at me. The boy gave them and me a puzzling look.

"Look at what is hangin' around his neck and then you'll understand" said the first man. Crap I need to leave, NOW!!! I tried to bolt but they caught me before I could even take one step. I tried to resist them and plead with them not to show him or pull down my hood but they didn't listen, just like everyone else. The guys that I was talking to, his face turned immediately from one of confusion to one of anger because he saw what was around my neck. He saw..... 

Hey guys thanks for reading my first chapter ever! Sorry for any grammar mistakes, I'm not very good at English class.

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