36: What a feeling

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Katrine's POV

We don't know when we'll die, or how, but we do get a choice. We either live our life with the mystery of our death just floating around us, or we can end it ourself. You see, nobody wants to live a crappy life, but in that we don't get to choose. We don't get to choose where to be born, or how to be raised, but we do get a choice in to wether we end our life ourselves, or to happen naturally.

In this moment right now, Daisy, the woman that's getting married, is having a moment where she's thinking about her choice; if she takes her life away or naturally lets it happen.

She was at the very edge of the balcony, dangerously close to falling off. She had raised her arms up, and took in a deep breath.

It took me a while to come to my senses and stop her, but when I did, I had intended to scream or blurt out the only words that came into my mind.

"Daisy, no!"

She dropped her arms and turned around, looking at me with narrowed eyebrows and a puzzled look. She looked back to the city behind her before getting off the edge of the balcony; walking towards me.

Greg and Niall come rushing outside since they heard my yelling. Greg looked at Daisy with wide eyes, as Niall got closer to me.

"What happened?" Niall whispered to me.

"Daisy was about to jump off." I answer him, thinking that only Niall could hear me, but so did Daisy.

"I didn't try to jump off." Daisy defended herself, still looking confused.

"Then why were you at the edge of the balcony? You were on top of the metal bars."

She didn't answer, and I know I'm damn right. The only reason someone will get into that point is to jump off, and I know that's what Daisy was about to do.

Isn't she happy she's getting married?

Daisy looks back up at me. "I just wanted to get a better look of the city. Greg and I are moving to the country side and I won't be able to look at the city everyday. I grew up here."

Greg grabs her into a hug, she presses her cheek on his chest, and they stay like that for a little longer; pulling away with a kiss.

"Don't scare me like that again." Greg softly murmurs before walking back in the kitchen with Niall on his side. 

I grab Daisy by the arm, dragging her in the bathroom. She narrowed her eyebrows as I looked at her in anger and confusion.

"I know you were about to jump." I say in a firm voice, folding my arms.

"I wasn't gonna jump." She says again, but with a tone of voice as if she doesn't even believe what she's saying.

"C'mon Daisy. Nobody goes to the edge just to look at the city lights, they go to the edge to jump. Aren't you happy that you're getting married?"

She doesn't answer, instead, she sits down on the toilet, and looks down to her left hand. She deeply stares at her engagement ring, softly shaking her head as she opens her mouth to speak.

"Sometimes in life, we're forced to do things we don't want to do."

• • • •

10 hours before the wedding

I wake up around five thirty in the morning. I roll my body to my right, noticing that the bed sheets are cold and empty. I sit up, rubbing the sleep away from my eyes. I let out a yawn before seeing that Niall is standing by the large window that covers the whole wall; his forehead is rested on the glass.

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