32: Back again

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"That's the beauty of a secret, you know you're supposed to keep it." -Halsey

Song for chapter: Locked Away by R. City ft Adam Levine

Katrine's POV

I've been on a chair waiting to get a response back from Brook. She hasn't opened her eyes since she got here-- about ten hours ago. I was holding her hand as I carefully scanned her cold body on the white Hospital's bed. Her face is pale with a few bruises printed on her face. The color is deep in the middle of the bruise, but gradually devolves the farther away it goes from the center.

I rested my head against the cold metal bar that connects to the bed; so it prevents the patient from falling off. I was still holding her hand, and a memory vividly came back.

I remember when my grandpa got in a car accident back in 2008. He was driving out in the freeway, coming back from California after finishing his business trip. I never liked driving next to a lorry trailer or any large vehicle, he used to say. I get this feeling it will fall over me. That day that he was coming back, he didn't get much luck from the Gods above. We got a call at night from the hospital saying that he's in the hospital.

At first he was just in a coma, but after he started to have nonstop internal bleeding, he got brain-dead. First his kidney stopped working, a little after it was his lungs, then his heart. My grandpa never deserved an ending like that, but I mean everything happens for a reason. Right?

My eyes started to get heavier as minutes passed. I was becoming light headed as my stomach felt like it was gonna eat itself from how hungry I am. But everything seemed to slip off of me as I felt a slight movement from Brook's hand. She gripped my hand tighter as her eyes slowly opened; then adjusting to the lights around.

Her eyes are glossy, the redness in them standing out more because of her pale skin. Her chapped lips shivered a bit as she tried to make words come out of her mouth, but she couldn't. She's too weak to even blink, but somehow she makes it work.

"Oh my God. I-I thought you wouldn't be able to make it." My eyes start to water, but I have to be strong for her, now is the time she needs my help the most.

I want to know how she got here-- who or what did this to her. I know I can't ask her too many questions at once, but they will have to be answered eventually.

I said the first thing that popped in my head. "What happened?"

She stayed quiet for a few moments before her lips parted. "I don't know," was all she said.

My face twists in confusion as I let out a deep sigh. I bite on the inside of my cheek as I start to think. What does she mean she doesn't know? This couldn't have happened to her while in her sleep.

"Brook, you have to know. I mean what else-" I'm interrupted by the door being clicked open. At first I thought it was the nurse or a doctor, but it isn't either of them. Brook's repulsive boyfriend walks in with a few flowers in his hand, all of them wrapped together with a bow.

"Can I talk to you?" I asks as friendly as I can so Brook won't suspect anything. He nods without showing emotion, just looking down as he opened the door. I walked out with him, and it took every ounce of me to not punch him in the face.

"I know you did this." I firmly say.

He shakes his head. "I swear I didn't-" He sounds scared, a feeling I thought I would have never seen in this man.

I opened my mouth to speak but he did first. "Just let me explain, please." He was begging now, but I still think he's part of this.

I cross my arms as a sign he may speak now, and he cleared his throat once he noticed my permission. "Brook and I got in a argument. I gripped her arm too tight causing her to cry, but I didn't mean it. She then left, at first I thought she was going to your place, but it started to get late and she wouldn't answer my calls. A little after I got a phone call from her neighbor saying she saw Brook screaming and crying in front of her house. I quickly got there but it was too late. She was already on the floor barely being able to breathe."

I cover my mouth with my hand, shocked in what he just said. A tear rolls down my cheek, so he grabs me into a hug. Before he could completely wrap his arms around me I shove him on the chest.

"Don't touch me." I fire at him. I'm disgusted by this guy, and I have a feeling he's lying. The story he just told me won't make me fall into his traps-- 'cause I know he's just bad news. Why would Brook want to be with a guy like this? What made her turn into the Brook she's now and not the one I've been best friends with?

I just want everything to go back to normal.

• • • • •

I arrived back home about an hour later. The hospital won't release Brook till tomorrow because her wounds still hasn't healed enough. I tried talking to her, but she just kept on pushing me away. She didn't want to tell me what or who did that to her. I know who it is, and that's her boyfriend, but I just want to hear her say it.

I parked my car in the garage since an unfamiliar car was taking my spot in the driveway. Maybe it's just one of my dad's workers or friends, so it didn't bother me at all.

I got in the house, slipping my shoes off to set them on the entrance before tossing my keys and purse on the dining table. I put hair up in a messy bun as I made my way to the kitchen to get myself a snack. I opened the fridge, mentally groaning and whining when I couldn't find something to devour on.

My eyes then landed on the hot-pockets, so I popped one in the microwave before setting the time to two minutes.

I hummed a song to myself as I waited, but I then went silent when I started to hear faint laughters coming from the living room. I thought to myself it was just my dad, but I also heard a mixed of female laughs.

I grabbed my ready hot-pocket before following the sounds, getting louder as I reached to them. When I entered the living room I couldn't believe what I was seeing.



Each of us has to preform our own choreography that represents each individual (who we are and what makes us) so I'm dancing to the song that's attached to this chapter (Locked Away by R. City ft Adam Levine)


Wish me luck omg I want to die now

All the fooking love

P.S this chapter is unedited since my coach is staring at me with deadly eyes to put my phone away. Salty much?

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