25: Day Three

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Song for chapter: Fireproof by 1D

Hope you enjoy!

Katrine's POV

The third day is here, and honestly, it feels like the hundredth day. I also don't feel well, but I can't blow this. So I just dragged myself out of bed, and took a quick shower before getting ready to meet up with Niall.

I'm supposed to meet up with him at my favorite restaurant; which is a small unique pizzeria that's located downtown. I've only been there a few times, but dear lord that food had me captive from the moment I entered.

The place is called Hot Spot, nothing too elegant like fine dining, but it also isn't some shitty ass place like a gas station.

The few times that I've been there were spent with Brooklyn, so I really don't remember a time where I saw Niall at that pizzeria. Well I remember once when the whole soccer team celebrated there after they won the final game, but I don't think he was there to be honest.

I have the memory of a goldfish sometimes.

About half an hour later and I arrived at the pizzeria. It's a bit smaller than I remember, but the familiar design is still there. It has the design of the old Italian culture; the vibrant colors swing around the place.

When I got in, the smell of olive oil and fresh made bread entered my nostrils with such a delicate blend. It felt like entering a place you would call home, even though I'm not related to any of the Italian blood.

A waiter started to lead me to a small booth, where the lights are dimmed down, and where the beautiful piece of violin solo fadedly reached to my ears.

"What would you like to drink tonight my dear?" A young man with a strong Italian accent asks me with a smile.

I look through the menu he handed me earlier, and all I saw were familiar drinks, but at the very bottom I saw something new; something I have to try.

"I'll have a caffè Shakerato, please." He weirdly looks at me for a second before writing it down in his little note pad.

"Okay. I'll be back with your drink, tesoro mio." He winks before walking away to attend other tables.

I'm not sure what the last two words meant, but my cheeks still flushed with embarrassment.

Moments passed, and Niall still didn't appear. I begun to doubt he was going to show up, but I know he will.

The waiter then came back with my drink, but I still didn't tell him my order, because I want to wait till Niall is here.

Seconds of waiting then turned into minutes, then turning into an hour. I've been waiting for about an hour now, and he still hasn't shown up. Once in a while I would get sympathy looks by people that have been long enough in there to know that I'm waiting for someone, but still hasn't shown up.

The waiter has asked me multiple times if I was ready to order, but I kept on telling him I was waiting for someone. He didn't gave me attitude, but I could tell he was already getting irritated.

Then, after I started getting tired, I saw the familiar pair of blue eyes and ruffled blond hair in a quiff. He has a worried expression coated on his face as he quickly walks towards the booth I'm in.

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