26: Day Four

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Katrine's POV

It's the fourth day, but Niall didn't call me at all to meet up with him. I figured he was just busy helping out with his parents, or went to hang out with his group of guys--so it didn't bother me much.

It's already night time, and it couldn't get anymore peaceful. My room is dark, and the temperature in the house reflects with the cool weather outside. The moonlight soaked my bedsheets with its bright blended color of white and blue.

I was in my underwear and a baggy old tee, so my bare legs felt fresh against the cold bedsheets. As my pillow started to get warmer because of my body temperature pressing on it, I decided to flip it, and I swear one of the best feelings are when you lay back down on the cold side of the pillow.

I kept on staring at the ceiling fan, chasing the movement of each panel give the spin with my eyes. I started to feel my eyes getting heavier, but then I heard sharp thuds on my window.

I quickly stood up, and I dragged my feet to the window. I look out of it, but I couldn't see anything or anyone, so then I opened it, and when I looked down, a smile crossed on my face.

It was Niall, with a flower crown on his head, and a guitar on his hands.

"Go to the front!" He whisper shouts, making it loud enough for me to hear, but low so he doesn't wake my dad or the neighbors up.

I quickly slip on some sandals, and I grab a sweater to cover myself up before running to the front door. I make sure not make too much noise as I open the door to step outside.

There he was, looking so adorable with the flower crown perfectly settled on top of his head. My heart was racing, and my lungs were gasping for air that I was losing. A million thoughts started to race through my head as he stood there, smiling as half his face was dipped in the moon's bright light.

He adjusted his fingers on the neck of the guitar, and began to play some notes. The same song he played for me when he apologized a while back. I believe he named the song where do broken heart go.

"Counted all my mistakes and there's only one. Standing out from the list of the things I've done. All the rest of my crimes don't come close, to the look on your face when I let you go. So I built you a house from a broken home. And I wrote you a song from the words you spoke. Yeah, it took me some time but I figured out, how to fix up a heart that I let down."

As he started to finish the song, his voice became softer; the last words becoming more of a murmur as they mixed with the wind around us.

I couldn't help it anymore, so I grabbed him into a hug. The guitar was right between us, so it wasn't quite comfortable--but I didn't care.

As the guitar started to dig in our stomach, we both decided to dissolve the hug away.

He smiled on last time, placing his flower crown on my head, before walking away down the steps. I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I saw him walk away.

"Niall!" I shouted. I was expecting for him to turn around, and come back, but he didn't. Instead he kept on walking.

I took off my flower crown to have a better look. It was made out of lilac hydrangeas.

Just three more days until the hugging ends.


I'm planning to reach my goal on this story, and that's 100 chapters

I'm so excited for the last day, which is day seven! What do y'all think it's gonna happen with Niall and Katrine?


Wallflower || NHDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora